Brown University Courses


We offer tutoring for ALL courses at ALL colleges and universities nationwide.

If you don’t see your school or course listed in our course directory, please text/call us at 614-264-1110. We will have your student connected to an expert in less than 24 hours.

College Accounting

Financial Accounting: ECON 0710

College Entrepreneurship

Fundamentals In Entrepreneurship: ENGN 1010

Venture Accelerator/new Ventures: ENGN 1931T

Social Entrepreneurship: IAPA 1201D

Technology Entrepreneurship: ENGN 2150, ENGN 2160

College Finance

Intro To Finance/financial Management: ECON 0160

Venture Capital And Private Equity: ECON 1730

International Finance : ECON 1550

Financial Intermediaries/institutions: ECON 1760

Corporate Finance: ECON 1720

College Information Systems

Intro To Business Analytics : ENGN 2701

College Management

Leadership : ENGN 1932R

Nonprofit Organization Management: ENGN 0090

College Marketing

Marketing Research And Analytics : ENGN 1932D

New Product Development: ENGN 2700

College Genetics

General Genetics: BIOL 0470

Molecular Genetics: BIOL 1540, BIOL2540

Genomics/ Bioinformatics: BIOL 2860, BIOL1050, BIOL2050, BIOL0500, BIOL1545, BIOL2545

College Biology

Introduction To Biology: BIOL 2030

Molecular/ Cell Biology: BIOL 2860, BIOL1050, BIOL2050, BIOL0500

Immunology: BIOL 0530

Evolutionary Biology: BIOL 0480

Conservation Biology: BIOL 1470

Cancer Biology: BIOL 1290

Zoology: BIOL 0410

Chemical Biology: CHEM 1230

Epidemiology: PHP 0850

Toxicology: BIOL 1865, BIOL2865

Developmental Biology : BIOL 1310, BIOL2310

Biostatistics: PHP 1510, PHP2506,PHP2507, PHP2510, PHP2690A

College Chemistry

Introductory Chemistry : CHEM 0100

Organic Chemistry: CHEM 0360, CHEM0360L

Inorganic Chemistry: CHEM 1060

Physical Chemistry: CHEM 1140, ENGN1410

Environmental Chemistry : EEPS 1370

College Neuroscience

Introduction To Neuroscience: NEUR 0010

Advanced Neuroscience : NEUR 2050

Cellular Neuroscience: NEUR 2030

Developmental Neuroscience: NEUR 1560

Behavioral Neuroscience: NEUR 1660

Psychology And Neuroscience: CLPS 0010

Systems Neuroscience : NEUR 1030

College Anatomy and Physiology

Anatomy : BIOL 1885

Physiology: BIOL 0800

Exercise Physiology: BIOL 1160

Environmental Physiology: BIOL 1505

College Environmental Science

General Environmental Science: ENVS 0490

Ecology: BIOL 0420

Environmental Issues: ENVS 0110

Climate Change: POLS 1435

Science Of Water: EEPS 0830, EEPS1310

Introduction To Environmental Science: EEPS 0220

Environmental Analysis: EEPS 1320

Environmental Geology: EEPS 0230

College English

Critical Reading And Writing I: The Academic Essay: ENGL 0900

Introduction To Creative Nonfiction: ENGL 0930

Narrative: ENGL 1050

Editing Theory And Practice: ENGL 1030

Do The Right Thing: ENGL 0100Y

American Realism: ENGL 0101F

What Monks Want: Asceticism & Austerity Across The Global Anglophone: ENGL 0202B

Experiments In Asian & Asian Diaspora Literature & Culture: ENGL 0202C

Poetic Justice: Literature On Colonialism: ENGL 0202D

Gender In Medieval Literature: ENGL 0300M

Shakespeare: ENGL 0310A

The Examined Self: Lives Of The Soul: ENGL 0500P

Austen, Eliot, James: ENGL 0511D

Postcolonial Literature: ENGL 0700E

American Literature & The Constitution: ENGL 0710Z

Introduction To Black Literary Theory: ENGL 0800T

Line Work: Experiments In Short-form Writing: ENGL 1050F

Journalism Practicum: ENGL 1050G

Multimedia Storytelling: ENGL 1050J

Writing The Family: ENGL 1050Q

Writing Wonder, Joy, & Awe: ENGL 1050V

Writing Climate, Writing Community: ENGL 1160P

Travel Writing: Personal & Cultural Narratives: ENGL 1180R

Healthcare Journalism: ENGL 1180Z

Poetics Of Narrative: ENGL 1190S

Nature Writing: ENGL 1190U

Special Topics In Nonfiction Writing: Fugitive Letters: The Prison Notebooks: ENGL 1191B

Shakespeare, Love, & Friendship: ENGL 1311G

Tolkien & The Renaissance: ENGL 1361G

Sexual Contracts In Renaissance Drama: ENGL 1361S

The Pursuit Of Happiness In Eighteenth-century Literature: ENGL 1562C

Literature & The Problem Of Poverty: ENGL 1710K

The Literature & Culture Of Black Power Reconsidered: ENGL 1710P

Monsters In Our Midst: The Plantation & The Woods In Trans-american Literature: ENGL 1711N

1984: The Myth & The Moment: ENGL 1711T

Who’s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?: 1760E

Kubrick: ENGL 1762D

Migration & Its Discontents: Asian American Literature & Culture: ENGL 1762K

Lucille Clifton: ENGL 1762P

Contemporary Narratives Of Us Slavery: ENGL 1762R / AMST 1920A

The Problem Of Literary Study: ENGL 1901R

Satire, Irony, & Swift: ENGL 2561Y

Walter Benjamin Around 1921: ENGL 2561Z / COLT 2650Y

Black Feminism: Roots, Routes, Futures: ENGL 2901P

Late Formalism: ENGL 2901S

College French

Basic French: FREN 0100

Intermediate French I: FREN 0300

Intermediate French Ii: FREN 0400

Writing And Speaking French I: FREN 0500

Writing And Speaking French Ii: FREN 0600

Contes Et Identités Francophones: FREN 0720D

History Of Romance Languages: FREN 1020B

Molière Et Son Monde: FREN 1040D

Romancières Dramaturges: FREN 1070N

Modernismes Poétiques: FREN 1130G

L’experience Des Refugies: Deplacements, Migrations: FREN 1410T

Geopolitics & Identity Divides In The Middle East: FREN 1710J

Africa In Theory Philosophy, Anthropology, History Beyond The West: FREN 1710L

The Literary Theory Of Barthes & Derrida: FREN 2190M

College Spanish

Basic Spanish: HISP 0100

Intermediate Spanish I: HISP 0300

Intermediate Spanish Ii: HISP 0400

Advanced Spanish I: HISP 0500

Advanced Spanish Ii: HISP 0600

Intermediate Spanish For Heritage Speakers: HISP 0550

Spanish For Health Care Workers: HISP 0490

Advanced Spanish Through Literature & Film: HISP 0650

Muslims, Christians, & Jews In Medieval Spain: HISP 0750N

History Of Romance Languages: HISP 1210E

De Abuelas A Nietas: Escritoras Españolas Y Latinoamericanas De 1925 A 2925: HISP 1290W

Detention & Freedom In The Americas: HISP 1371R

Posthuman Latin America: Contemporary Imagination & Visions Of The Future: HISP 1371U

Book-objects: HISP 2351E

College History

Curators, Hoarders, And Looters: The Long And Curious History Of Collecting: HIST 0150K S 01

The Great Departure: How Europe Became Modern: HIST 0228B S 01

Modern Latin America: HIST 0234 S 01

The American Civil War: HIST 0252 S 01

Mexican American History: HIST 0255A S 01

History Of Medicine Ii: The Development Of Scientific Medicine In Europe And The World: HIST 0286B S 01

Welfare States And A History Of Modern Life: HIST 0654A S 01

Cities Of The Global South: HIST 0690C S 01

History Of The Holocaust: HIST 0930I S 01, JUDS 0902

Beyond Orientalism: Understanding 'east Asia': HIST 0930S S 01, EAST 0010

Culture Wars In American Schools : HIST 0980C S 01, EDUC 0510

Contestations Within Political Islam : HIST 0980Q S 01, RELS 0600F

Humanitarianism And Conflict In Africa: HIST 1080 S 01

Environmental Injustice And Justice In African History: HIST 1081 S 01

China's Socialist Dreams: HIST 1123 S 01

Japan In The Age Of The Samurai: HIST 1141 S 01

Becoming Medieval: Self, Other, And The World: HIST 1211 S 01

Truth On Trial: Justice In Italy, 1400-1800: HIST 1262M S 01

British History, 1660-1800: HIST 1266D S 01

The Global British Empire, 1600-the Present: HIST 1267 S 01

The Mexican Revolution: HIST 1333 S 01

Understanding The Palestinians: HIST 1457 S 01

The American Revolution: HIST 1501 S 01

First Nations: The People And Cultures Of Native North America To 1800: HIST 1512 S 01

American Empire Since 1890: HIST 1554 S 01

From Medieval Bedlam To Prozac Nation: Intimate Histories Of Psychiatry And Self: HIST 1830M S 01

Black Freedom Struggle Since 1945: HIST 1930G S 01, AFRI 1090

Roman History I: The Rise And Fall Of An Imperial Republic: HIST 1930R S 01, CLAS 1310

The Modern Middle East: Struggles For Power And Justice: HIST 1931Q S 01, MES 1111

Latino Urban History: HIST 1952C S 01

The City In Strife: Mapping Segregations, Inequality, Insurrection: HIST 1954H S 01

History Beyond Empires And Nations: Kashmir 1846-2020: HIST 1958C S 01

Women In Early Modern England: HIST 1964D S 01

Descartes' World: HIST 1964K S 01

Politics And Culture Under The Brazilian Military Dictatorship, 1964-1985: HIST 1967L S 01

Israel-palestine: Lands And Peoples I: HIST 1969A S 01

Racial Capitalism And U.s. Liberal Empire: HIST 1972J S 01

American Labor And Working Class History: HIST 1972K S 01

Early Modern Globalization: HIST 1974M S 01

Animal, Vegetable, Mineral: Environmental Histories Of Non-human Actors: HIST 1976C S 01

Histories Of The Future: HIST 1976R S 01

Gender, Race, And Medicine In The Americas: HIST 1977I S 01

Ice, Coral, Dust And Pollen: Multidisciplinary Approaches To Climate History: HIST 1981V S 01, ENVS 1917

Politics Of Migration: HIST 1981W S 01, HMAN 1976G

College Art History

South Asian Art And Architecture: HIAA 0023

Contemporary Photography: HIAA 0089

Introduction To Architectural Design Studio: HIAA 0100

Structural And Architectural Analysis: HIAA 0140

Advanced Design Studio: HIAA 0190

Arts Of The Sacred And The Demonic In The Ancient Mediterranean: HIAA 0405

Modern Architecture: HIAA 0850

Cities, Landscapes, And Design In The Age Of Pandemics: HIAA 1171

Real And Unreal Landscapes: HIAA 1721

Real And Unreal Landscapes: HIAA 2721

Methods Of Research And Art Historical Interpretation: HIAA 2920

College Architecture

Introduction To Architectural Design Studio: HIAA 0100

Intermediate Architectural Design Studio: HIAA 0150

Advanced Design Studio: HIAA 0190

Structural And Architectural Analysis: HIAA 0140

Architectural Projection: HIAA 0130

Art And Architecture Of The Roman Empire: HIAA 0032

The Other History Of Modern Architecture: HIAA 0090

Modern Architecture: HIAA 0850

Contemporary Architecture: HIAA 0860

South Asian Art And Architecture: HIAA 0023

The Architectures Of Islam: HIAA 0041

Architecture Of The House Through Space And Time: HIAA 0081

Architecture And Urbanism Of Africa: HIAA 0770

Prefabrication And Architecture: HIAA 1181

College Hebrew Language

Elementary Hebrew : HEBR 0200

Intermediate Hebrew : HEBR 0400

Issues In Contemporary Israeli Society, Politics, And Culture In Hebrew : HEBR 0600

College Engineering : Engineering School

Transforming Society-technology And Choices For The Future: ENGn 0020

Introduction To Engineering: ENGN 0030

Introduction To Engineering Design: ENGN 0032

Engineering Statics And Dynamics: ENGN 0040

Management Of Industrial And Nonprofit Organizationa: ENGN 0090

Crossing The Consumer Chasm By Design: ENGN 0120

Mechanical Technology: ENGN 0260

Mechanics Of Solids And Structures: ENGN 0310

Materials Science: ENGN 0410

Fundamentals Of Environmental Engineering: ENGN 0490

Electricity And Magnetism: ENGN 0510

Electrical Circuits And Signals: ENGN 0520

Systems Thinking: ENGN 0610

Design Brief: ENGN 0620

Thermodynamics: ENGN 0720

Fluid Mechanics: ENGN 0810

Mangerial Decision Making : ENGN 0900

Designstudio: ENGN 0930C

Biomedical Engineering Design And Innovation: ENGN 0930L

Projects In Engineering: ENGN 1000

The Entrpreneurial Process: ENGN 1010

Transport And Biotransport Processes: ENGN 1110

Reaction Kinetics And Reactor Design : ENGN 1120

Chemical Process Design: ENGN 1140

Environmental Engineering Design: ENGN 1150

Biomechanics: ENGN 1210

Neuroengineering : ENGN 1220

Instrumentation Design: ENGN 1230

Structural Analysis: ENGN 1300

Water Supply And Treatment Systems: ENGN 1340

Art Fluid Engineering : ENGN 1350

Advanced Mechanics: ENGN 1370

Physical Chemistry Of Solids: ENGN 1410

Kinetics Processes In Materials Science And Engineering: ENGN 1420

Mechanical Properties Of Materials: ENGN 1440

Properties And Processing Of Electronic Materials: ENGN 1450

Biomaterials: ENGN 1490

Nanoengineering And Nanomedicine: ENGN 1510

Cardiovasuclar Engineering : ENGN 1520

Recent Advances In Biomedical Engineering: ENGN 1550

Microwave Communications: ENGn 1560

Linear System Analysis: ENGN 1570

Communication Systems: ENGN 1580

Image Understanding: ENGN 1610

Analysis Of Electronic Circuits: ENGN 1620

Digital Electronics Systems Design: ENGN 1630

Computing Systems: ENGN 1640

Embedded Microprocessor Design: ENGN 1650

Photonics Devices And Sensors: ENGN 1690

High Reynolds And Number Flows: ENGN 1700

Principles Of Heat Transfer: ENGN 1710

Lasers And Nonlinear Optics: ENGN 1730

Vibration Of Mechanical Systems: ENGN 1735

Computer Aided Visualization And Design: ENGN 1740

Advanced Mechanics Of Solids: ENGN 1750

Design Of Space Systems: ENGN 1760

Social Impact Of Emerging Technologies: ENGN 1800

Advanced Fluid Mechanics: ENGN 1860

Biomedical Optics: ENGN 1930B

Design Of Mechanical Assemblies: ENGN 1931D

Energy And The Environment: ENGN 1931D

Fluid Mechanics I: ENGN 2810

Fluid Mechanics Ii: ENGN 2820

C++: ENGN 2912B

Mobile Robotics: ENGN 2912U

College Psychology

Introduction To Neuroscience: NEUR 0010

Behavioral Neuroscience: NEUR 1660

Psychology And Neuroscience: CLPS 0010

Mind, Brain, And Behavior: CLPS 0010

Quantitative Methods/statistics: CLPS 0900

Research Methods And Design: CLPS 1900, 1901, 1791, 1591, 1510, 1492, 1195, 1194, 1191

Social Psych: CLPS 0220, CLPS 0700, CLPS 0710

Perception/cognition: CLPS 0200, CLPS 0450, CLPS 0500

Development: CLPS 0610, CLPS 0620, CLPS 0701

Learning/animal Behavior: CLPS 0100, CLPS 0110

College Sociology

An Introduction To Sociology: SOC 0010

Sex, Gender, And Society: SOC 0230

Who Am I?: SOC 0300D

Inequalities And Health: SOC 0300K

Theory And Practice Of Engaged Scholarship: SOC 0310

International Migration: SOC 0315

Classical Sociological Theory: SOC 1010

Introductory Statistics For Social Research: SOC 1100

Focus Groups For Market And Social Research: SOC 1117

Context Research For Innovation: SOC 1118

Micro-organizational Theory: Social Behavior In Organizations: SOC 1311

Principles And Methods Of Geographic Information Systems: SOC 1340

Unstable Times: Migration, Identity And Societal Integration: SOC 1450

What's Wrong With Empowerment: Critical Perspectives On Development: SOC 1480

Power, Knowledge And Justice In Global Social Change: SOC 1490

Comparative Urban Political Economy: SOC 1871X

Martial Arts, Culture, And Society: SOC 1871Z

Race And Wrongful Conviction In The Us: SOC 1872V

Medical Sociology: SOC 1874C

Multuvariate Statistical Methods I: SOC 2010

Test As Data For Social Science Research: SOC 2070

Principles Of Population: SOC 2080

Qualitative Methods: SOC 2210

The Sould Of Sociology: W.e.b. Du Bois And Critical Sociologies Of Race: SOC 2260G

Environmental Sociology: SOC 2385

Teaching Practicum In Sociology: SOC 2500

Spatial Thinking In Social Science: SOC 2610

Spatial Data Analysis Techniques In The Social Sciences: SOC 2960G

Sociology Of Power: SOC 2961D

Sociology Of Education: SOC 2961E

Preliminary Examination Preparation: SOC 2970

Reading And Research: SOC 2980

Directed Research Practicum- Msar Students Only: SOC 2982

College Statistics And Probablity

Statistical Inference I: APMA 1650

Honors Statistical Inference I: APMA 1655

Statistical Inference Ii: APMA 1660

Quantitative Models Of Biological Systems: APMA 1070

Inference In Genomics And Molecular Biology: APMA 1080

Operations Research: Probabilistic Models: APMA 1200

Computational Probability And Statistics: APMA 1690

Recent Applications Of Probability And Statistics: APMA 1740

Recent Applications Of Probability And Statistics: APMA 2610

Introduction To Scientific Computing: APMA 0160

Essential Statistics: APMA 0650

Single Variable Calculus, Part Ii: MATH 0100

Multivariable Calculus: MATH 0180

Linear Algebra: MATH 0520

Probability: MATH 1610

Mathematical Statistics: MATH 1620

Applied Algebraic Topology: MATH 1810A

Introductory Statistics For Social Research: SOC 1100

Market And Social Surveys: SOC 1120

Techniques Of Demographic Analysis: SOC 2230

Essentials Of Data Analysis: PHP 1501

Principles Of Biostatistics And Data Analysis: PHP 1510

Applied Regression Analysis: PHP 1511

Statistical Programming In R: PHP 1560

Statistical Programming With R: PHP 2560

Applied Regression Analysis: PHP 2511

Fundamentals Of Epidemiology: PHP 0850

Clinical Trials Methodology: PHP 2030

Introduction To Methods In Epidemiologic Research: PHP 2120

Intermediate Methods In Epidemiologic Research: PHP 2200

Fundamentals Of Probability And Statistical Inference: PHP 2515

Statistical Inference I: PHP 2520

Bayesian Statistical Methods: PHP 2530

Practical Data Analysis: PHP 2550

Statistical Inference Ii: PHP 2580

Analysis Of Lifetime Data: PHP 2602

Linear Models: PHP 2601

Causal Inference And Missing Data: PHP 2610

Statistical Methods In Bioinformatics, I: PHP 2620

Statistical Analysis Of Biological Data: BIOL 0495

Introduction To Scientific Computing And Problem Solving: CSCI 0040

Machine Learning: CSCI 1420

Computational Molecular Biology: CSCI 1810

Algorithmic Foundations Of Computational Biology: CSCI 1820

Data Science: CSCI 1951A

Statistical Methods: CLPS 0900

Introduction To Programming For The Mind, Brain And Behavior: CLPS 1292

Computational Cognitive Neuroscience: CLPS 1492

Health Economics: ECON 1360

Introduction To Econometrics: ECON 1620

Mathematical Econometrics I: ECON 1630

Big Data: ECON 1660

College Physics : Department of Physics

Basic Physics A: PHYS0030

Basic Physics B: PHYS0040

Foundations of Mechanics: PHYS0050

Found:Electromagnetism/Mod Phys: PHYS0060

Analytical Mechanics: PHYS0070

Nature/Meaning Sci Explanation: PHYS0100

Excursion to Biophysics: PHYS0110

Extra Dimensions: PHYS0111

Extra-Solar Planet Astronomy: PHYS0112

Squishy Physics: PHYS0113

Science + Technology of Energy: PHYS0114

Adventures in Nanoworld: PHYS0120

Quantum Mech of Global Warming: PHYS0121

The Jazz of Modern Physics: PHYS0150

Intro:Relativity/Quantum Phys: PHYS0160

Physics for Non-Physicists: PHYS0180

Astronomy: PHYS0220

Astronomy and Astrophysics: PHYS0270

Electricity and Magnetism: PHYS0470

Advanced Classical Mechanics: PHYS0500

Experiments in Modern Physics: PHYS0560

Meth Mathematical Physics: PHYS0720

Physics of Matter: PHYS0790

General Relativity: PHYS1100

Intro:Nuclear/High Energy Physics: PHYS1170

Stellar Structure: PHYS1250

Extragalactic Astronomy: PHYS1270

Introduction to Cosmology: PHYS1280

Quantum Mechanics A: PHYS1410

Quantum Mechanics B: PHYS1420

Advanced Electromagnetic Theory: PHYS1510

Thermodynamics/Stat Mechanics: PHYS1530

Modern Physics Laboratory: PHYS1560

Computational Physics: PHYS1600

Biological Physics: PHYS1610

Methods of Mathematical Physics: PHYS1720

Quantum Optics: PHYS1790

Group Research Project: PHYS1830

Group Research Project: PHYS1840

Medical Physics: PHYS1931S

Spec Top Experiment/Theoretical Phys: PHYS1970

Stellar Phys, Interstellar Med: PHYS1970A

Topics in Optics: PHYS1970B

String Theory for Undergrads: PHYS1970C

Statistical Phys in Inference: PHYS1970D

Quantum Information: PHYS1970F

Topological Matter: PHYS1970G

Introduction to Fluids: PHYS1970J

Undergrad Research in Physics: PHYS1980

Senior Conference Course: PHYS1990

Tech in Experimental Physics: PHYS2010

Math Method Engineers/Physicists: PHYS2020

Classical Theoretical Physics I: PHYS2030

Classical Theoretical Physics II: PHYS2040

Quantum Mechanics: PHYS2050

Quantum Mechanics: PHYS2060

Advanced Quantum Mechanics: PHYS2070

General Relativity: PHYS2100

Statistical Mechanics: PHYS2140

Intro:Nuclear/High Energy Physics: PHYS2170

Astrophysics and Cosmology: PHYS2280

Quantum Theory of Fields I: PHYS2300

Quantum Theory of Fields II: PHYS2320

Group Theory: PHYS2340

Solid State Physics I: PHYS2410

Solid State Physics II: PHYS2420

Quantum Many Body Theory: PHYS2430

Advanced Statistical Mechanics: PHYS2470

Applied Machine Learning and A: PHYS2550

Computational Physics: PHYS2600

Special Topics in Physics: PHYS2610

Topics in Modern Cosmology: PHYS2610A

Theory of Relativity: PHYS2610B

Condensed Matter Physics: PHYS2610C

Condensed Matter Physics: PHYS2610D

Physics of Locomotion: PHYS2610E

Selected Topics Collider Phys: PHYS2610F

The Standard Model and Beyond: PHYS2610G

Special Topics in Physics: PHYS2620

Astrophysical/Cosmological Constraints: PHYS2620A

Green's Function/Ordered Expontials: PHYS2620B

Introduction to String Theory: PHYS2620C

Modern Cosmology: PHYS2620D

Quantum Mechanics:Fuzzy Physics: PHYS2620E

Topics in Molecular Biophysics: PHYS2620F

The Standard Model and Beyond: PHYS2620G

Quantum Comp, Info., & Sensing: PHYS2620H

Statistical Physics in Inferen: PHYS2620J

Biological Physics: PHYS2630

Soft Matter: PHYS2670

Seminar in Research Topics: PHYS2710

Seminar in Research Topics: PHYS2711

Quantum Optics: PHYS2790

Research in Physics: PHYS2980

Research in Physics: PHYS2981

College Math : Brown Department of Math

First-Year Seminar: MATH 0010

What is Mathematics?: MATH 0020

Mathematics and Poetry: MATH 0030

Calculus and Its History: MATH 0040

Analytic Geometry and Calculus: MATH 0050/0060

Calculus with Applications to Social Sciences: MATH 0070

The Mathematical Way of Thinking: MATH 0081

Single Variable Calculus, Part I: MATH 0090

Single Variable Calculus, Part II: MATH 0100

Single Variable Calculus, Part II (Accelerated): MATH 0170

Multivariable Calculus: MATH 0180

Single Variable Calculus, Part II (Physics/Engineering): MATH 0190

Multivariable Calculus (Physics/Engineering): MATH 0200

Multivariable Calculus with Theory: MATH 0350

Introduction to Number Theory: MATH 0420

Linear Algebra: MATH 0520

Linear Algebra with Theory: MATH 0540

Introduction to Higher Mathematics: MATH 0750

The Art of Writing Mathematics: MATH 1000

Analysis: Functions of One Variable: MATH 1010

Graph Theory: MATH 1030

Fundamental Problems of Geometry: MATH 1040

Differential Geometry: MATH 1060

Cryptography: MATH 1080

Ordinary Differential Equations: MATH 1110

Partial Differential Equations: MATH 1120

Probability: MATH 1210

Mathematical Statistics: MATH 1220

Topics in Functional Analysis: MATH 1270

Complex Analysis: MATH 1460

Abstract Algebra: MATH 1530

Topics in Abstract Algebra: MATH 1540

Number Theory: MATH 1560

Real Analysis I: MATH 1630

Real Analysis II: MATH 1640

Topology: MATH 1710

Special Topics in Mathematics: MATH 1810/1820

Race and Gender in the Scientific Community: MATH 1910

Honors Conference: MATH 1970

Criminal Justice

History Of Law: Great Trials: HIST 0150G

Punishment And Justification: PHIL 1005

Race And Wrongful Conviction In The United States: SOC 1872V

Race, Crime, And Punishment In America: ECON 1070

Crime, Punishment, And Politics: POLS 1455

Law And Violence: ANTH 2310A



Introduction To Macroeconomics: ECON 1210

Principles Of Macroeconomics: ECON 1500

Intermediate Macroeconomics: ECON 2070

Advanced Macroeconomics: ECON 2080

International Macroeconomics: ECON 2360


Introduction To Microeconomics: ECON 0110

Principles Of Microeconomics: ECON 1090

Microeconomic Theory: ECON 1110

Intermediate Microeconomics: ECON 1130

Advanced Microeconomics: ECON 1140

Labor Economics: ECON 1310

Industrial Organization: ECON 1420

Public Economics: ECON 1430

Health Economics: ECON 1450

Urban Economics: ECON 1480

Environmental Economics: ECON 1490

Game Theory: ECON 1540

Behavioral Economics: ECON 1570

Economics Of Education: ECON 1870


Introduction To Econometrics: ECON 1620

Applied Econometrics: ECON 1629

Econometric Methods: ECON 1630

Time Series Econometrics: ECON 1670


Introduction To Economics: ECON 0160

Economic History: ECON 0170

Economic Development: ECON 0400

Development Economics: ECON 0600

International Trade: ECON 0710

Applied Economics: ECON 1050

Experimental Economics: ECON 1070

Environmental Policy: ECON 1360

Economics Of Innovation: ECON 1390

Public Finance: ECON 1410

Urban And Regional Economics: ECON 1487

Health And Economic Development: ECON 1530

Advanced International Trade: ECON 1750

Comparative Economic Systems: ECON 1760

Economics Of Natural Resources: ECON 1820

Economic Policy Analysis: ECON 1830

Labor Market Economics: ECON 1850

Economics Of Education: ECON 1930

Advanced Economic Policy: ECON 1950

Seminar In Economic Research: ECON 1960

Contemporary Economic Issues: ECON 2930

Environmental Policy: ECON 1360

Economics Of Innovation: ECON 1390

Public Finance: ECON 1410

Urban And Regional Economics: ECON 1487

Health And Economic Development: ECON 1530

Advanced International Trade: ECON 1750

Comparative Economic Systems: ECON 1760

Economics Of Natural Resources: ECON 1820

Economic Policy Analysis: ECON 1830

Labor Market Economics: ECON 1850

Economics Of Education: ECON 1930

Advanced Economic Policy: ECON 1950

Seminar In Economic Research: ECON 1960

Topics In Econometrics: ECON 2010

Advanced Applied Econometrics: ECON 2020

International Financial Economics: ECON 2510

Economic Integration: ECON 2520

Advanced Econometrics: ECON 2600

Economics Of Technological Change: ECON 2830

Economics Of Financial Markets: ECON 2840

Contemporary Economic Issues: ECON 2930

Advanced Topics In Economics: ECON 2950

College Anthropology

General Anthroplogy:

Introduction To Cultural Anthropology: ANTH 0100

Culture And Health: ANTH 0300

Introduction To Linguistic Anthropology: ANTH 0800

Human Evolution: ANTH 0310

Past Forward: Discovering Anthroplogical Archeology : ANTH 0500

Ethnographic Research Methods: ANTH 1940

Material Culture Practicum: ANTH 1621

An Introduction To Gis And Spatial Analysis For Anthroplogists And Archeologist: ANTH 1201

The Human Skeleton: ANTH 1720

Paleonthnobotany: Ancient Agriculture To Criminal Investigations: ANTH 1740

(re)making Anthropology: ANTH 1990

Medical Anthropology Track:

Bioethics And Culture: ANTH 1242

Anthropology Of Addiction And Recovery: ANTH 1300

Anthropology Of Homelessness: ANTH 1301

International Health: ANTH 1310

Stratified Reproduction: ANTH 1312

Anthropology Of Mental Health: ANTH 1515

Cultural Anthropology Track:

Anthropology Of China: ANTH 1111

Middle East In Anthropological Perspective: ANTH 1150

Religion And Culture: ANTH 1240

Anthropology Of Disasters: ANTH 1255

Anthropology And International Development: ANTH 1320

Ethnography And Social Critique: ANTH 1848

Linguistic Anthropology Track:

Sound And Symbols: Introduction To Linguistic Anthropology : ANTH 0800

Babel's Basement: Language And Discrimination: ANTH 0900

Language And Power: ANTH 1810

Language And Medicine In Practice: Engaged Scholarship: ANTH 1131

Anthropological Archeology :

Classic Maya Civilization: ANTH 1031

Vertical Civilization: South American Archeology: ANTH 1505

Ethnographies Of Heritage: Communities Of Landscape In The Mediterranean And Beyond: ANTH 1126

Ancient Maya Writing: ANTH 1650

Indians, Colonists, And Africans In New England: ANTH 1624

Maize Gods And Feathered Serpents: Mexico And Central American In Antiquity: ANTH 1640

Southwestern Archeology: ANTH 1692

Indigenous Archeologies: ANTH 1125

Archeology Of Death: ANTH 1623

Global Historical Archeology: ANTH 1620

Bioarcheology And Forensic Anthropology: ANTH 1750

Lost Languages: ANTH 1820

College Political Science

Introduction To Political Thought: POLS 0110

Introduction To International Politics: POLS 0400

Foundations Of Political Analysis: POLS 0500

Political Violence: POLS 0821C

Money And International Politics: POLS 0821E

The Black Vote: A Critical Interrogation Of A Concept: POLS 0920K

Slavery And Freedom: Selections From African American Political Thought: POLS 0920L

Politics Of The Illicit Global Economy: POLS 1020

Participating American Publics: POLS 1065

Campaigns And Elections: POLS 1120

Public Opinion And American Democracy: POLS 1140

Latin American Politics: POLS 1210

Political Organizations And Social Change In America: POLS 1325

Contemporary African Politics: POLS 1445

Crime, Punishment, And Politics: POLS 1455

International Political Economy: POLS 1460

Introduction To Feminist Theory: POLS 1520

War And Politics: POLS 1550

Politics And Nature: POLS 1820G

Contraband Capitalism: States And Illegal Global Markets: POLS 1820H

Democratic Erosion: POLS 1820X

Issues In Democratic Theory: POLS 1821I

War In Film And Literature: POLS 1821M

Identity Politics In Global Perspective: POLS 1822Q

Congressional Investigations: POLS 1822W

Latino Politics In The United States: POLS 1825S

Monuments, Citizenship, And Belonging: POLS 1825W

Senior Honors Thesis Preparation: POLS 1910

Individual Reading And Research: POLS 1970

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