Georgia Institute of Technology  Courses

We offer tutoring for ALL courses at ALL colleges and universities nationwide.

If you don’t see your school or course listed in our course directory, please text/call us at 614-264-1110. We will have your student connected to an expert in less than 24 hours.

College Accounting: Scheller College Of Business

Financial Accounting: ACCT 2101, MGT 3000

Managerial Accounting/cost Accounting: ACT 2102, MGT 3000

College Consulting: Scheller College Of Business

Management Consulting: MGT 4102

Strategic Consulting: MGT 4196

College Entrepreneurship: Scheller College Of Business

Fundamentals In Entrepreneurship: MGT 4191, MGT 4670

Social Entrepreneurship: MGT 4194

College Finance: Scheller College Of Business

Intro To Finance/financial Management: MGT 3078

Analysis Of Fixed Income Securities: MGT 4068

Trading: MGT 4067

International Finance : MGT 4070

Real Estate Finance: MGT 3082

Financial Modeling: MGT 4073

Applied Portfolio Management : MGT 3076

Financial Intermediaries/institutions: MGT 3079

College Information Systems: Scheller College Of Business

Management Information Systems: MGT 2210

Intro To Business Analytics : MGT 4655

College Legal Studies In Business: Scheller College Of Business

Legal Environment Of Business/business Law: MGT 2106

International Business Law: MGT 3606

Real Estate Law: MGT 3609

College Management : Scheller College Of Business

Business Ethics: MGT 3607

Strategic Management: MGT 3659

Human Resources Management : MGT 3102

Leadership : MGT 3103, MGT 4119

College Marketing: Scheller College Of Business

Marketing Fundamentals/intro To Marketing: MGT 3300

Consumer Behavior: MGT 4331

Marketing Research And Analytics : MGT 3310

Business To Business Marketing: MGT 4305

Marketing Strategy: MGT 4307

Pricing: MGT 3312

New Product Development: MGT 3325

Brand Management : MGT 4304

Sales Management : MGT 4303

International Marketing: MGT 4335

Social (media) And Online Marketing/digital Marketing: MGT 3313, MGT 4311

Advertising And Promotions: MGT 4308

Services Marketing: MGT 4309

College Operations: Scheller College Of Business

Operations Management : MGT 3501

Supply Chain Management: MGT 4360

Project Management : MGT 4450

Operations Strategy: MGT 4335

College Organizational Development: Scheller College Of Business

Organizational Behavior: MGT 3101, MGT 4116

College Professional Development: Scheller College Of Business

Career Development And Management: MGT 3599

College Genetics

General Genetics: BIOL 7964, BIOS2600, BIOS2601

Genomics/ Bioinformatics: BIOL 6150, BIOL7200, BIOS4150, BIOS4607

College Biology: School Of Biological Sciences

Introduction To Biology: BIOS 1207, BIOS1207L

General Biology : BIOS 1107, BIOS1107R

Microbiology: BIOS 3380, BIOS3381, BIOS4340

Molecular/ Cell Biology: BIOL 6607, BIOL7010, BIOL7963, BIOS3450, BIOS3451

Immunology: BIOL 6570, BIOS4570

Evolutionary Biology: BIOL 6600, BIOS3600

Aquatic Biology : BIOL 6221

Conservation Biology: BIOS 4803

Cancer Biology: BIOL 7015, BIOS4015

Developmental Biology : BIOS 4464

College Chemistry : College Of Sciences

General Chemistry : CHEM 1211K, CHEM1211R, CHEM1212K, CHEM1212R

Organic Chemistry: CHEM 2311, CHEM2312

Inorganic Chemistry: CHEM 3111

Physical Chemistry: CHEM 3411, CHEM3412, CHEM3481, CHEM3482

Analytical Chemistry: CHEM 3211, CHEM3216, CHEM3216L

College Neuroscience: College Of Sciences

Introduction To Neuroscience: NEUR 2001, NEUR2001R

Cellular Neuroscience: NEUR 3001

Developmental Neuroscience: NEUR 4100

Behavioral Neuroscience: NEUR 3003, NEUR2002

Psychology And Neuroscience: NEUR 3003

Systems Neuroscience : NEUR 3002

Neurophysiology: NEUR 6002

College Anatomy and Physiology: College Of Sciences

Anatomy : BIOS 3753, BIOS3754

Physiology: BIOS 3755, BIOS3756

Exercise Physiology: BIOS 4100

Embryology And Developmental Physiology: BIOS 4480

Neuromuscular Physiology: NEUR 4238, NEUR6002

College Environmetal Science: College Of Sciences

Ecology: BIOL 7923, BIOS2300, BIOS2301

Climate Change: EAS 6132, EAS6500

Science Of Water: EAS 4795

Introduction To Environmental Science: EAS 1600

Environmental Analysis: EAS 4480, EAS6490

Earth Science: EAS 1601

College History

The United States To 1877: HIST 2111

The United States Since 1877: HIST 2112

College Art History

History Of Art I. : COA 2241

History Of Art Ii. : COA 2242

Art And Architecture In Classical Greece. : COA 3114

Art And Architecture In Italy I. : COA 3115

Art And Architecture In Italy Ii. : COA 3116

Art And Architecture In Classical Greece. : COA 6114

Art And Architecture In Italy I. : COA 6115

Art And Architecture In Italy Ii. : COA 6116

Thought And Interpretation In Architecture From The Hellenic Period To The 1830's. : COA 8610

Thought And Interpretation In Architecture From The 1830's To The Twentieth Century. : COA 8612

The Design And Evolution Of American Space. : COA 8620

College Architecture: College Of Architecture (coa)

Fundamentials Of Design I: ARCH 1016

Introduction To Deisgn And The Built Environment: ARCH 1060

Media + Modeling I: ARCH 1020

Design Studio I: ARCH 1017

Design Studio Ii: ARCH 2016

Architecture Media & Modeling Ii: ARCH 2020

Construction Tech: ARCH 2211

History Of Architecture I: ARCH 2111

Design Studio Iii: ARCH 2017

History Of Architecture Ii: ARCH 2112

Design Studio Iv: ARCH 3016

Design Strategies: ARCH 3010

Design Dtudio V: ARCH 3017

Structures I: ARCH 4015

Design Studio Vi: ARCH 4016

Environmental Systems I: ARCH 3231

Design Studio Vii: ARCH 4017

College Hebrew Language

Elementary Hebrew I: HEBW 1001

Elementary Hebrew Ii: HEBW 1002

Heritage Hebrew I: HEBW 1501

Intrmediate Hebrew I: HEBW 2001

Intrmediate Hebrew Ii: HEBW 2002

Heritage Hebrew Ii: HEBW 2501

College English

Foundations For English Composition: ENGL 0989

Support For English Composition: ENGL 0199, ENGL 0999

English Composition I: ENGL 1101

English Composition Ii: ENGL 1102

College French

Elementary French I: FREN 1001

Elementary French Ii: FREN 1002

Special Topics: FREN 1813

Patterns Of French Culture I: FREN 2001

Patterns Of French Culture Ii: FREN 2002

Survey Of French Literature: FREN 3000

French Literature From 1800 To 1900: FREN 3001

French Literature From 1900 To Present: FREN 3002

France Today I: FREN 3011

France Today Ii: FREN 3012

Introduction To Contemporary France: FREN 3014

French Conversation & Culture: FREN 3120

Advanced Composition: FREN 3121

French For The Professions I: FREN 3551

Business Communication & Correspondence In France: FREN 3691

French For Business & Technology I: FREN 3692

French For Business & Technology Ii: FREN 3693

Contemporary French Literature: FREN 4005

College Spanish

Elementary Spanish I: SPAN 1001

Elementary Spanish Ii: SPAN 1002

Special Topics: SPAN 1813

Intermediate Spanish I: SPAN 2001

Intermediate Spanish Ii: SPAN 2002

Introduction To Reading Hispanic Literature: SPAN 3050

Spanish For Business I: Fundamentals: SPAN 3061

Medical Spanish: SPAN 3064

Spanish Conversation: Issues & Strategies I: SPAN 3101

Composition: Analysis & Developement I: SPAN 3111

Cultural History Of Spain Ii: Nineteenth & Twentieth Century Spain: SPAN 3122

Spanish For Heritage Speakers: SPAN 3130

College Engineering

Aerospace Engineering:

Aerospace Systems Design Competition I: AE 1355

Introduction To Aerospace Engineering: AE 1601

Introduction To Bioengineering: AE 1750

Thermodynamics & Fluids Fundamentals: AE 2010

Fluid Fundamentals: AE 2011

Dynamics: AE 2220

Introduction To Experimental Methods In Aerospace: AE 2610

Technical Communications For Aerospace Engineers: AE 2611

Aerodynamics: AE 3030

Aerodynamics Recitation: AE 3030R

Numerical Methods For Aerospace Engineering: AE 3090

Structural Analysis: AE 3140

Introduction To Aerospace Vehicle Performance: AE 3330

Design And Systems Engineering Methods: AE 3340

Aerospace Systems Design Competition Iii: AE 3355

Thermodynamics And Compressible Flow: AE 3450

System Dynamics And Vibration: AE 3530

Control System Analysis And Design: AE 3531

Experiments In Fluid And Solid Mechanics: AE 3610

Computational Fluid Dynamics: AE 4040

Aeroacoustics: AE 4060

Introduction To Propeller And Rotor Theory: AE 4070

Aerothermodynamics: AE 4080

Finite Element Analysis: AE 4132

Structural Integrity And Durability: AE 4170

Structural Dynamics And Aeroelasticity: AE 4220

Aircraft Design: AE 4341

Space System Design: AE 4342

Rotorcraft Design: AE 4343

Space Flight Operations: AE 4361

Life Cycle Cost Analysis: AE 4370

Accident Causation And System Safety: AE 4376

Jet And Rocket Propulsion: AE 4451

Advanced Aircraft Propulsion: AE 4453

Introduction To Combustion: AE 4461

Aircraft Flight Dynamics: AE 4531

Spacecraft Flight Dynamics: AE 4532

Biomedical Engineering:

Introduction To Biomedical Engineering: BMED 1000

Problems In Biomedical Engineering I: BMED 1300

Introduction To Bioengineering: BMED 1750

Conservation Principles In Biomedical Engineering: BMED 2110

Problems In Biomedical Engineering: BMED 2250

Problems In Biomedical Engineering Ii: BMED 2300

Intro To Biomedical Engineering Design: BMED 2310

Introduction To Bioengineering Statistics: BMED 2400

Bioengineering Elective: BMED 2XXX

Systems Physiology: BMED 3100

Introduction To Biomedical Data Science And Engineering: BMED 3101

Quantitative Engineering Physiology Laboratory I: BMED 3110

Introduction To Machine Learning For Biomedical Engineers: BMED 3201

Introduction To Bioinformatics: BMED 3211

Introduction To Neuroengineering: BMED 3231

Biotransport: BMED 3300

Biotransport: BMED 3310

Introduction To Biomechanics: BMED 3400

Introduction To Biomechanics: BMED 3410

Biomedical Sensors And Instrumentation: BMED 3500

Biomedical Systems And Modeling: BMED 3510

Physiology Of Cellular And Molecular Systems: BMED 3600

Quantitative Engineering Physiology Laboratory Ii: BMED 3610

Neuroengineering Fundamentals: BMED 4400

Biological Networks And Genomics: BMED 4477

Biomed-ai And Health Informatics: BMED 4478

Cell And Tissue Engineering Laboratory: BMED 4500

Medical Robotics: BMED 4739

Chemical And Biomolecular Engineering:

Introduction To Bioengineering: CHBE 1750

Chemical Process Principles: CHBE 2100

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I: CHBE 2110

Numerical Methods In Chemical Engineering: CHBE 2120

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I: CHBE 2130

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics: CHBE 2140

Undergraduate Research Assistantship: CHBE 2698

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Ii: CHBE 3110

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Ii: CHBE 3130

Transport Process I: CHBE 3200

Fluid Mechanics: CHBE 3205

Transport Processes Ii: CHBE 3210

Heat & Mass Transfer: CHBE 3215

Separations Processes: CHBE 3225

Chemical Kinetics And Catalysis: CHBE 3300

Engineering Ethics And Leadership: CHBE 3600

Chemical Engineering In Nanoscale Systems: CHBE 4020

Chemical Engineering Of Energy Systems: CHBE 4030

The Science And Engineering Of Microelectronic Fabrication: CHBE 4050

Unit Operations Laboratory: CHBE 4200

Transport Phenomena / Bioprocess Unit Operations: CHBE 4210

Kinetics And Reactor Design: CHBE 4300

Bioprocess Engineering: CHBE 4310

Reactor Design: CHBE 4320

Chemical Process Control: CHBE 4400

Process Dynamics And Control: CHBE 4411

Process Dynamics And Control Laboratory: CHBE 4412

Process Design And Economics: CHBE 4505

Process And Product Design And Economics: CHBE 4510

Chemical Process Safety: CHBE 4515

College Of Engineering (general Engineering):

Freshman Engineering Seminar: COE 1000

Statics: COE 2001

Startup Lab: Introduction To Technology Ventures: COE 2701

Mechanics Of Deformable Bodies: COE 3001

Intro To Microelectronics And Nanotechnology: COE 3002

Computer Science:

Introductory Computing In Matlab: CS 1171

Introduction To Computing: CS 1301

Introduction To Computing For Computer Science Recitation: CS 1301R

Introduction To Media Computation: CS 1315

Representing Structure And Behavior: CS 1316

Introduction To Object Oriented Programming: CS 1331

Data Structures And Algorithms For Applications: CS 1332

Computing For Engineers: CS 1371

Structured Program Design For Engineers: CS 1372

Introduction To Discrete Mathematics For Computer Science: CS 2050

Honors - Induction To Discrete Mathematics For Computer Science: CS 2051

Computer Organization And Programming: CS 2110

Computer Systems And Networks: CS 2200

Media Device Architectures: CS 2261

Data Manipulation For Science And Industry: CS 2316

Software Practicum: CS 2335

Objects And Design: CS 2340

Advanced Practical Object-oriented Programming: CS 2345

Knowledge Representation And Processing: CS 2600

Undergraduate Research Assistantship: CS 2698

Startup Lab: Introduction To Technology Ventures: CS 2701

Computing, Society, And Professionalism: CS 3001

Computer Science Ventures: CS 3101

Design Of Operating Systems: CS 3210

Computer Structures: Hardware/software Codesign Of A Processor: CS 3220

Introduction To Information Security: CS 3235

Human Dimension Of Cybersecurity: People, Organizations, Societies: CS 3237

Languages And Computation: CS 3240

Computer Networking I: CS 3251

Introduction To Software Engineering: CS 3300

Project Implementation: CS 3312

Computer Graphics: CS 3451

Design And Analysis Of Algorithms: CS 3510

Design And Analysis Of Algorithms, Honors: CS 3511

Introduction To Artificial Intelligence: CS 3600

Introduction To Perception And Robotics: CS 3630

Prototyping Intelligent Devices: CS 3651

Analysis Of Emerging Technologies: CS 3743

Managing Product, Service & Technology Development: CS 3744

Human Computer Interface Design And Evaluation: CS 3750

Introduction To User Interface Design: CS 3751

Introduction To Cognitive Science: CS 3790

Computing, Society, And Professionalism: CS 4001

Robots And Society: CS 4002

Ai, Ethics, And Society: CS 4003

Next-generation Computing Technologies: CS 4005

Introduction To Computer Law: CS 4010

Systems Analysis And Design: CS 4052

Electrical And Computer Engineering:

Introduction To Ece Design: ECE 1010

Digital System Design: ECE 2020

Introduction To Signal Processing: ECE 2025

Introduction To Signal Processing: ECE 2026

Introduction To Computer Engineering: ECE 2030

Digital Design Laboratory: ECE 2031

Programming For Hardware/software Systems: ECE 2035

Engineering Software Design: ECE 2036

Circuit Analysis: ECE 2040

Practical Skills And Design: ECE 2045

Professional And Technical Communications For Ece: ECE 3005

Co-curricular Professional Communications For Ece: ECE 3006

Ece Design Fundamentals: ECE 3011

Mathematical Foundations Of Computer Engineering: ECE 3020

Electromagnetics: ECE 3025

Physical Foundations Of Computer Engineering: ECE 3030

Mechanisms For Computing Systems: ECE 3035

Microelectronic Circuits: ECE 3040

Measurements, Circuits, And Microelectronics Laboratory: ECE 3043

Analog Electronics: ECE 3050

Computer Architecture And Operating Systems: ECE 3055

Architecture, Systems, Concurrency And Energy In Computation: ECE 3057

Architecture, Systems, Concurrency, And Energy In Computation: ECE 3058

Vlsi And Advanced Digital Design: ECE 3060

Electromagnetic Applications: ECE 3065

Electromechanical And Electromagnetic Energy Conversion: ECE 3070

Modern Electric Energy Systems: ECE 3071

Electrical Energy Systems: ECE 3072

Random Signals: ECE 3075

Computer Communications: ECE 3076

Introduction To Probability And Statistics For Ece: ECE 3077

Semiconductor Devices For Computer Engineering And Telecommunication Systems: ECE 3080

Signals And Systems: ECE 3084

Introduction To Systems And Controls: ECE 3085

Vlsi And Advanced Digital Design: ECE 3150

Cryptographic Hardware For Embedded Systems: ECE 3170

Optimization For Information Systems: ECE 3251

Electromechanical And Electromagnetic Energy Conversion: ECE 3300

Analog Electronics: ECE 3400

Semiconductor Devices: ECE 3450

Feedback Control Systems: ECE 3550

Computer Communications: ECE 3600

Circuits And Electronics: ECE 3710

Instrumentation And Electronics Lab: ECE 3741

Electrical And Computer Engineering Elective: ECE 3XXX

Engineering Practice And Professionalism: ECE 4001

Ece Culminating Design Project: ECE 4007

Ece Culminating Design Project I: ECE 4011

Ece Culminating Design Project Ii: ECE 4012

Ece Culminating Design: ECE 4013

Ece Culminating Design 2: ECE 4014

Ece-only Single-semester Capstone Design: ECE 4015

Industrial And Systems Engineering:

Probability With Applications: ISYE 2027

Basic Statistical Method: ISYE 2028

Honors Probability: ISYE 2127

Honors Statistics: ISYE 2128

Undergraduate Research Assistantship: ISYE 2698

Undergraduate Research: ISYE 2699

Industrial & Systems Engineering Elective: ISYE 2XXX

Essentials Of Engineering Economy: ISYE 3025

Basic Statistical Methods: ISYE 3030

Methods Of Quality Improvement: ISYE 3039

Simulation Analysis And Design: ISYE 3044

Introduction To Supply Chain Modeling: Logistics: ISYE 3103

Introduction To Supply Chain Modeling: Manufacturing And Warehousing: ISYE 3104

Cornerstone Design For Industrial Engineers: ISYE 3106

Engineering Optimization: ISYE 3133

Stochastic Manufacturing And Service Systems: ISYE 3232

Statistics And Applications: ISYE 3770

Introduction To Cognitive Science: ISYE 3790

Industrial & Systems Engineering Elective: ISYE 3XXX

Design Of Human-integrated Systems: ISYE 4009

Regression And Forecasting: ISYE 4031

Decision And Data Analytics: ISYE 4034

Advanced Simulation: ISYE 4045

Advanced Supply Chain Logistics: ISYE 4111

Workflow Modeling, Analysis & Design In Manufacturing & Service: ISYE 4112

Advanced Modeling And Analysis Of Workflow Systems: ISYE 4113

Advanced Optimization: ISYE 4133

Mechanical Engineering:

Introduction To Engineering Graphics And Design: ME 1670

Special Topics: ME 1801

Computer Applications: ME 2016

Creative Decisions And Design: ME 2110

Dynamics Of Rigid Bodies: ME 2202

Me 2202 Recitation: ME 2202R

Three-dimensional Rigid Body Dynamics: ME 2205

Mechanical Engineering Elective: ME 2XXX

System Dynamics: ME 3017

Me 3017 Recitation: ME 3017R

Experimental Methodology And Technical Writing: ME 3057

Cutting-edge Eng Seminar: ME 3141

Machine Design: ME 3180

Design, Materials, And Manufacture: ME 3210

Thermodynamics: ME 3322

Me 3322 Recitation: ME 3322R

Fluid Mechanics: ME 3340

Heat Transfer: ME 3345

Me 3345 Recitation: ME 3345R

Introduction To Energy Systems Engineering: ME 3700

Introduction To Fluid And Thermal Engineering: ME 3720

Analysis Of Emerging Technologies: ME 3743

Managing Product, Service & Technology Development: ME 3744

Internal Combustion Engines: ME 4011

Modeling And Control Of Motion Systems: ME 4012

Hybrid Vehicle Powertrains: ME 4013

College Psychology

Scientific Foundations Of Health: APPH 1040

The Science Of Physical Activity And Health: APPH 1050

Flourishing: Strategies For Well-being And Resilience: or APPH 1060

General Psychology 3: PSYC 1101

Research Methods 3: PSYC 2015

Human Development Over The Life Span: PSYC 2103

Social Psychology: PSYC 2210

Abnormal Psychology: PSYC 2230

Personality Theory: PSYC 2240

Psychological Statistics 3: PSYC 2020

Cognitive Psychology: PSYC 4011

Biopsychology: PSYC 4020

Learning And Memory: PSYC 4025

Human Sensation And Perception: PSYC 4041

Applied Experimental Psychology 3: PSYC 4031

Senior Thesis Ii: or PSYC 4601

Exploring Multicultural Identities: PSYC 2005

Human Development Over The Life Span: PSYC 2103

Introduction To Educational Psychology: PSYC 2130

Social Psychology: PSYC 2210

Industrial/organizational Psychology: PSYC 2220

Abnormal Psychology: PSYC 2230

Personality Theory: PSYC 2240

Introduction To Engineering Psychology: PSYC 2270

Psychology Of Creativity And Art: PSYC 2280

Internship: PSYC 2695

Undergraduate Research: PSYC 2699

Human Language Processing: PSYC 2760

Special Topics: PSYC 2803

Experimental Analysis Of Behavior: PSYC 3031

Human Computer Interface Design And Evaluation: PSYC 3750

Introduction To Cognitive Science: PSYC 3790

Special Topics: PSYC 3873

Human Abilities: PSYC 4010

Cognitive Psychology: PSYC 4011

Biopsychology: PSYC 4020

Learning And Memory: PSYC 4025

Human Sensation And Perception: PSYC 4041

History And Systems: PSYC 4050

Cognitive Neuroscience: PSYC 4090

Behavioral Pharmacology: PSYC 4100

Advanced Topics In Cognitive Psychology: PSYC 4200

Psychology Of Aging: PSYC 4260

Psychological Testing: PSYC 4270

Senior Thesis I: PSYC 4600

Psychology Undergraduate Teaching Experience: PSYC 4697

Undergraduate Research: PSYC 4699

College Sociology

Hts 2001 – Early American History: HTS 2001

Hts 2002 – American Revolution: HTS 2002

Hts 2006 – History Of The Old South To 1865: HTS 2006

Hts 2007 – History Of The New South: HTS 2007

Hts 2011 – The Gilded Age: HTS 2011

Hts 2013 – Modern America: HTS 2013

Hts 2015 – History Of Sports In America: HTS 2015

Hts 2052 – North American Borderlands: HTS 2052

Hts 2085 – Reel History: HTS 2085

Hts 3001 – American Economic History: HTS 3001

Hts 3002 – History Of American Business: HTS 3002

Hts 3005 – American Environmental History: HTS 3005

Hts 3006 – United States Labor History: HTS 3006

Hts 3009 – The American Civil War: HTS 3009

Hts 3011 – The City In American History: HTS 3011

Hts 3012 – Urban Sociology: HTS 3012

Hts 3015 – History Of Vietnam War: HTS 3015

Hts 3016 – Women And Gender In The U.s.: HTS 3016

Hts 3018 – New Religions And Cults In America: HTS 3018

Hts 3019 – Family/sexuality/social Change In U.s.: HTS 3019

Hts 3022 – Gender And Sports: HTS 3022

Hts 3023 – Free People Of Color: HTS 3023

Hts 3024 – African-american History To 1865: HTS 3024

Hts 3025 – African-american History Since 1865: HTS 3025

Hts 3026 – Race And Ethnicity: HTS 3026

Hts 3027 – The Civil Rights Movement: HTS 3027

Hts 3068 – Social Movements: HTS 3068

Hts 3070 – Culture And Society: HTS 3070

Hts 3073 – Sociology Of Sports: HTS 3073

Hts 3083 – Technology And American Society: HTS 3083

Hts 3100 – Introduction To Museum Studies: HTS 3100

Hts 1031 – Europe Since The Renaissance: HTS 1031

Hts 2036 – Revolutionary Europe: HTS 2036

Hts 2037 – 20th Century Europe: HTS 2037

Hts 2040 – History Of Islamic Societies To 1500s: HTS 2040

Hts 2041 – History Of The Modern Middle East: HTS 2041

Hts 2051 – Colonial Latin America: HTS 2051

Hts 2053 – Modern Latin American History: HTS 2053

Hts 2061 – Traditional Asia: HTS 2061

Hts 2062 – Asia In Modern World: HTS 2062

Hts 2100 – Science, Technology, And The Modern World: HTS 2100

Hts 3030 – History Of Medieval Europe (350-1400): HTS 3030

Hts 3031 – European Labor History: HTS 3031

Hts 3032 – European Intellectual History: HTS 3032

Hts 3033 – Medieval England: HTS 3033

Hts 3035 – Britain 1815 – 1914: HTS 3035

Hts 3036 – Britain Since 1914: HTS 3036

Hts 3038 – French Revolution: HTS 3038

Hts 3039 – Modern France: HTS 3039

Hts 3041 – Modern Spain: HTS 3041

Hts 3043 – Modern Germany: HTS 3043

Hts 3045 – Nazi Germany And The Holocaust: HTS 3045

Hts 3046 – Science, Politics, And Culture In Nazi Germany: HTS 3046

Hts 3048 – Modern Russian History: HTS 3048

Hts 3051 – Women/gender In Middle East: HTS 3051

Hts 3055 – Globalization In The Modern Era: HTS 3055

Hts 3061 – Modern China: HTS 3061

Hts 3062 – Modern Japan: HTS 3062

Hts 3063 – British Colonization: HTS 3063

Hts 3064 – Sociology Of Development: HTS 3064

Hts 3065 – History Of Global Societies: HTS 3065

Hts 3067 – Revolutionary Movements: HTS 3067

Hts 3069 – Modern Cuba: HTS 3069

Hts 2016 – Social Issues And Public Policy: HTS 2016

Hts 3006 – United States Labor History: HTS 3006

Hts 3008 – Class, Power, And Inequality: HTS 3008

Hts 3011 – The City In American History: HTS 3011

Hts 3012 – Urban Sociology: HTS 3012

Hts 3016 – Women And Gender In The U.s.: HTS 3016

Hts 3017 – Sociology Of Gender: HTS 3017

Hts 3020 – Gender And Technology: HTS 3020

Hts 3021 – Women In Science And Engineering: HTS 3021

Hts 3022 – Gender And Sports: HTS 3022

Hts 3023 – Free People Of Color: HTS 3023

Hts 3024 – African-american History To 1865: HTS 3024

Hts 3025 – African-american History Since 1865: HTS 3025

Hts 3026 – Race And Ethnicity: HTS 3026

Hts 3027 – The Civil Rights Movement: HTS 3027

Hts 3031 – European Labor History: HTS 3031

Hts 3051 – Women/gender In The Middle East: HTS 3051

Hts 3067 – Revolutionary Movements: HTS 3067

Hts 3068 – Social Movements: HTS 3068

Hts 3071 – Sociology Of Crime: HTS 3071

Hts 3072 – Sociology Of Education: HTS 3072

Hts 1081 – Engineering In History: HTS 1081

Hts 2016 – Social Issues And Public Policy: HTS 2016

Hts 2100 – Science, Technology, And The Modern World: HTS 2100

Hts 3001 – American Economic History: HTS 3001

Hts 3002 – History Of American Business: HTS 3002

Hts 3003 – Sociology Of Economic Institutions: HTS 3003

Hts 3006 – United States Labor History: HTS 3006

Hts 3007 – Sociology Of Work And Industry: HTS 3007

Hts 3031 – European Labor History: HTS 3031

Hts 3064 – Sociology Of Development: HTS 3064

Hts 3066 – Sociology Of Politics And Society: HTS 3066

Hts 3068 – Social Movements: HTS 3068

Hts 3080 – History Of Rocketry: HTS 3080

Hts 3083 – Technology And American Society: HTS 3083

Hts 3084 – Culture And Technology: HTS 3084

Hts 3085 – Law, Technology, And Politics: HTS 3085

Hts 2015 – History Of Sports In America: HTS 2015

Hts 2085 – Reel History: HTS 2085

Hts 3022 – Gender And Sports: HTS 3022

Hts 3046 – Science, Politics, And Culture In Nazi Germany: HTS 3046

Hts 3070 – Culture And Society: HTS 3070

Hts 3073 – Sociology Of Sports: HTS 3073

Hts 3084 – Culture And Technology: HTS 3084

Hts 3100 – Introduction To Museum Studies: HTS 3100

Hts 2017 – Environmental Sociology: HTS 2017

Hts 2018 – Food And Society: HTS 2018

Hts 2086 – Semester In The City: Engaging Communities: HTS 2086

Hts 3005 – American Environmental History: HTS 3005

Hts 3011 – The City In American History: HTS 3011

Hts 3012 – Urban Sociology: HTS 3012

Hts 3026 – Race And Ethnicity: HTS 3026

Hts 3064 – Sociology Of Development: HTS 3064

Hts 3071 – Sociology Of Crime: HTS 3071

Hts 3072 – Sociology Of Education: HTS 3072

Hts 3081 – Technology And The Environment: HTS 3081

Hts 1081 – Engineering In History: HTS 1081

Hts 2080 – Introduction To History Of Disease And Medicine: HTS 2080

Hts 2081 – Scientific Revolution: HTS 2081

Hts 2082 – Technology And Science In The Industrial Age: HTS 2082

Hts 2084 – Technology And Society: HTS 2084

Hts 2100 – Science, Technology, And The Modern World: HTS 2100

Hts 3020 – Gender And Technology: HTS 3020

Hts 3021 – Women In Science And Engineering: HTS 3021

Hts 3046 – Science, Politics, And Culture In Nazi Germany: HTS 3046

Hts 3080 – History Of Rocketry: HTS 3080

Hts 3081 – Technology And The Environment: HTS 3081

Hts 3082 – Sociology Of Science: HTS 3082

Hts 3083 – Technology And American Society: HTS 3083

Hts 3084 – Culture And Technology: HTS 3084

Hts 3085 – Law, Technology, And Politics: HTS 3085

Hts 3086 – Sociology Of Medicine And Health: HTS 3086

Hts 3087 – History Of Medicine: HTS 3087

Hts 3088 – Race, Medicine, And Science: HTS 3088

Hts 3089 – Science, Technology, And Sports: HTS 3089

College Statistics And Probability: Department Of Statistics

Mathematical Statistics I: MATH 4261

Mathematical Statistics Ii: MATH 4262

Design And Analysis Of Experiments: ISYE 6413

Statistical Modeling And Regression Analysis: ISYE 6414

Analysis I: MATH 4317

Advanced Statistical Inference I: MATH 6262

Testing Statistical Hypotheses: MATH 6263

Linear Statistical Models: MATH 6266

Multivariate Statistical Analysis: MATH 6267

Time Series Analysis: ISYE 6402

Nonparametric Data Analysis: ISYE 6404

Statistical Methods For Manufacturing Design And Improvement: ISYE 6405

Theoretical Statistics: ISYE 6412

Computational Statistics: ISYE 6416

Biostatistics: ISYE 6421

Stochastic Processes I: ISYE 6761

Stochastic Processes Ii: ISYE 6762

Reliability Theory: ISYE/MATH 6781

Statistical Techniques Of Financial Data Analysis: ISYE/MATH 6783

Reliability Engineering: ISYE 6805

Advanced Design Of Experiments: ISYE 7400

Advanced Statistical Modeling: ISYE 7401

Multivariate Data Analysis: ISYE 7405

Data Mining And Statistical Learning: ISYE 7406

Linear Statistical Models I: ISYE 7441

College Physics : Department of Physics

Physics Orientation: PHYS 1000

Transfer Non-Calc Phys I: PHYS 11X1

Transfer Non-Calc Phys II: PHYS 11X2

Physics Elective: PHYS 1XXX

Physics of Space and Time: PHYS 2001

The Solar System: PHYS 2021

Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe: PHYS 2022

Physics Of Music: PHYS 2030

Introduction to Astrophysics: PHYS 2210

Introductory Physics I: PHYS 2211

Introductory Physics II: PHYS 2212

Introduction to Modern Physics: PHYS 2213

Honors Physics I: PHYS 2231

Honors Physics II: PHYS 2232

Transfer Physics I: PHYS 25X1

Undergraduate Research Assistantship: PHYS 2698

Undergraduate Research: PHYS 2699

Physics of the Weather: PHYS 2750

Special Topics (1 Credit): PHYS 2801

Special Topics (2 Credits): PHYS 2802

Special Topics (3 Credits): PHYS 2803

Special Topics (4 Credits): PHYS 2804

Special Topics (4 Credits): PHYS 2814

Special Problems (1-21 Credits): PHYS 2900

Special Problems (1-21 Credits): PHYS 2901

Special Problems (1-21 Credits): PHYS 2902

Physics Elective: PHYS 2XXX

Nuclear Astrophysics and Stellar Evolution: PHYS 3021

Stars and Planets: PHYS 3022

Principles of Quantum Mechanics: PHYS 3043

Computational Physics: PHYS 3120

Electrostatics and Magnetostatics: PHYS 3122

Electrodynamics: PHYS 3123

Thermodynamics: PHYS 3141

Quantum Mechanics I: PHYS 3143

Mathematical Physics: PHYS 3151

Classical Mechanics I: PHYS 3201

Classical Mechanics II: PHYS 3202

Modern Optics Laboratory: PHYS 3208

Electronics I: PHYS 3209

Astronomy & Astrophysics Lab: PHYS 3210

Electronics I (5 Credits): PHYS 3211

Geometrical Optics and Lens Design: PHYS 3223

Geometrical Optics Laboratory: PHYS 3224

Modern Optics: PHYS 3225

Modern Optics Laboratory: PHYS 3226

Optics I: PHYS 3232

Principles of the Physics of Living Systems: PHYS 3250

Introduction to Acoustics: PHYS 3265

Computational Physics (4 Credits): PHYS 3266

Special Topics (1 Credit): PHYS 3801

Special Topics (2 Credits): PHYS 3802

Special Topics (3 Credits): PHYS 3803

Special Topics (4 Credits): PHYS 3804

Special Topics (2 Credits): PHYS 3806

Special Topics (3 Credits): PHYS 3807

Special Topics (4 Credits): PHYS 3814

Special Problems (1-21 Credits): PHYS 3900

Special Problems (1-21 Credits): PHYS 3901

Special Problems (1-21 Credits): PHYS 3902

Physics Elective: PHYS 3XXX

Statistical Mechanics: PHYS 4142

Quantum Mechanics II: PHYS 4143

Relativity: PHYS 4147

Electronics II: PHYS 4206

Optical Design: PHYS 4220

Solid-state Devices: PHYS 4222

Cosmology: PHYS 4247

Neurophysics: PHYS 4250

Biophysics: PHYS 4251

Quantum Technologies: PHYS 4260

Atomic Physics: PHYS 4261

Solid-state Physics: PHYS 4262

Nuclei, Particles, and Fields: PHYS 4263

Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: PHYS 4267

Advanced Laboratory I: PHYS 4321

Advanced Laboratory II: PHYS 4322

Fundamentals of Astrophysics: PHYS 4347

Introduction to Continuum Physics: PHYS 4421

Senior Seminar I: PHYS 4601

Senior Seminar II: PHYS 4602

Introductory Diffraction Studies: PHYS 4655

Undergraduate Research Assistantship: PHYS 4698

Undergraduate Research: PHYS 4699

Estimation and Approximation in Physics: PHYS 4740

Laser Theory and Applications: PHYS 4751

Quantum Information and Quantum Computing: PHYS 4782

Special Topics (1 Credit): PHYS 4801

Special Topics (2 Credits): PHYS 4802

Special Topics (3 Credits): PHYS 4803

Special Topics (4 Credits): PHYS 4804

Special Topics (3 Credits): PHYS 4813

Special Topics (3 Credits): PHYS 4823

Special Topics (3 Credits): PHYS 4833

Special Topics (4 Credits): PHYS 4854

Special Problems (1-21 Credits): PHYS 4900

Special Problems (1-21 Credits): PHYS 4901

Special Problems (1-21 Credits): PHYS 4902

College Math: Department of Math

Support for Precalculus: MATH 0399

Support for College Algebra: MATH 0999

College Algebra: MATH 1111

Precalculus: MATH 1113

Transfer Precalculus: MATH 11X3

Calculus I: MATH 1501

Calculus I for the Life Sciences: MATH 1503

Calculus I for the Life Sciences: MATH 1504

Honors Calculus II: MATH 1512

Introduction to Differential Calculus: MATH 1550

Differential Calculus: MATH 1551

Integral Calculus: MATH 1552

Introduction to Linear Algebra: MATH 1553

Linear Algebra: MATH 1554

Calculus for Life Sciences: MATH 1555

Linear Algebra with Abstract Vector Spaces: MATH 1564

Transfer Calculus I: MATH 15X1

Transfer Calculus II: MATH 15X2

Introduction to Higher Mathematics: MATH 1601

Finite Mathematics: MATH 1711

Survey of Calculus: MATH 1712

Transfer Finite Math: MATH 17X1

Transfer Survey-Calc: MATH 17X2

Special Topics: MATH 1803

Transfer Differential Calc: MATH 1X51

Transfer Integral Calculus: MATH 1X52

Transfer Intro Linear Algebra: MATH 1X53

Transfer Linear Algebra: MATH 1X54

Transfer Calculus for Life Sci: MATH 1X55

Mathematics Elective: MATH 1XXX

Foundations of Mathematical Proof: MATH 2106

Abstract Vector Spaces: MATH 2406

Transfer Calculus III: MATH 24X1

Transfer Diff Equations: MATH 24X3

Introduction to Multivariable Calculus: MATH 2550

Multivariable Calculus: MATH 2551

Differential Equations: MATH 2552

Honors Multivariable Calculus: MATH 2561

Honors Differential Equations: MATH 2562

Introduction to Discrete Mathematics: MATH 2603

Calculus III for Computer Science: MATH 2605

Undergraduate Research Assistantship: MATH 2698

Undergraduate Research: MATH 2699

Transfer Linear & Disc Math: MATH 26X2

Transfer Discrete Math: MATH 26X3

Special Topics: MATH 2801-2805

Transfer Multivariable Calc: MATH 2X51

Transfer Differential Equation: MATH 2X52

Mathematics Elective: MATH 2XXX

Applied Combinatorics: MATH 3012

Applied Combinatorics Recitation: MATH 3012R

Honors Applied Combinatorics: MATH 3022

Introduction to Probability and Statistics: MATH 3215

Honors Probability and Statistics: MATH 3225

Probability Theory: MATH 3235

Statistical Theory: MATH 3236

A Second Course in Linear Algebra: MATH 3406

Probability and Statistics with Applications: MATH 3670

Algebraic Structures in Coding Theory: MATH 4012

Introduction to Graph Theory: MATH 4022

Combinatorial Analysis: MATH 4032

Senior Project I: MATH 4080

Senior Project II: MATH 4090

Introduction to Abstract Algebra I: MATH 4107

Introduction to Abstract Algebra II: MATH 4108

Introduction to Number Theory: MATH 4150

Mathematical Foundations of Data Science: MATH 4210

Stochastic Processes I: MATH 4221

Stochastic Processes II: MATH 4222

Monte Carlo Methods: MATH 4255

Mathematical Statistics I: MATH 4261

Mathematical Statistics II: MATH 4262

Introduction to Information Theory: MATH 4280

Topics in Linear Algebra: MATH 4305

Analysis I: MATH 4317

Analysis II: MATH 4318

Complex Analysis: MATH 4320

Partial Differential Equations I: MATH 4347

Partial Differential Equations II: MATH 4348

Introductory Topology: MATH 4431

Introduction to Algebraic Topology: MATH 4432

Differential Geometry: MATH 4441

Dynamics and Bifurcations I: MATH 4541

Dynamics and Bifurcations II: MATH 4542

Linear Programming: MATH 4580

Classical Mathematical Methods in Engineering: MATH 4581

Numerical Analysis I: MATH 4640

Numerical Analysis II: MATH 4641

Undergraduate Internship: MATH 4695

Undergraduate Research Assistantship: MATH 4698

Undergraduate Research: MATH 4699

Mathematical Biology: MATH 4755

Vector and Parallel Scientific Computation: MATH 4777

Quantum Information and Quantum Computing: MATH 4782

Special Topics: MATH 4801-4805

Special Topics: MATH 4873

Reading or Research: MATH 4999

Mathematics Elective: MATH 4XXX

Criminal Justice: Ivan Allen College Of Liberal Arts

Introduction To Social Justice: LMC 2350

Introduction To Sociology: SOC 1101

Social Issues And Public Policy: HTS 2016

Sociology Of Crime: HTS 3071

Sociology Of Race And Ethnicity: HTS 3026

Sociology Of Development: HTS 3064

Sociology Of Politics And Society: HTS 3066

The Civil Rights Movement: HTS 3027

Class, Power, And Social Inequality: HTS 3008

American Environmental History: HTS 3005

United States Labor History: HTS 3006

The City In American History: HTS 3011

Women And Gender In The United States: HTS 3016

Sociology Of Gender: HTS 3017

Gender And Technology: HTS 3020

Gender And Sports: HTS 3022

Slaves Without Masters: Free People Of Color Before 1865: HTS 3023

African American History To 1865: HTS 3024

African American History Since 1865: HTS 3025

European Labor History: HTS 3031

Women And The Politics Of Gender In The Middle East: HTS 3051

Revolutionary Movements In The Modern World: HTS 3067

Social Movements: HTS 3068

Race, Medicine & Science: HTS 3088

Introduction To Gender Studies: LMC 2200

African American Literature And Culture: LMC 3208

Ethnicity In American Culture: LMC 3210

Women, Literature, And Culture: LMC 3212

Gender Studies In The Disciplines: LMC 3225

Science, Technology, And Ideology: LMC 3302

Science, Technology, And Gender: LMC 3304

Science, Technology, And Race: LMC 3306

Environmentalism And Ecocriticism: LMC 3308

Technologies Of Representation: LMC 3314

Science, Technology, And Postcolonialism: LMC 3316

Biomedicine And Culture: LMC 3318



Principles Of Macroeconomics: ECON 2105

Advanced Macroeconomic Analysis: ECON 3120

Money And Capital Markets: ECON 4060


Principles Of Microeconomics: ECON 2106

Economic Analysis And Policy Problems: ECON 2100

Advanced Microeconomic Analysis: ECON 3110

Economics Of Industrial Competition: ECON 4340

Law And Economics: ECON 4370

Economics Of Health And Health Care: ECON 4510

Economics Of Sports: ECON 4520

Public Economics: ECON 4460


Statistics For Economists: ECON 2250

Introduction To Empirical Economics: Data Visualization, Analysis, And Presentation: ECON 3160

Econometric Analysis: ECON 3161

Economic Forecasting: ECON 4160

Machine Learning For Economics: ECON 4161


The Global Economy: ECON 2101

Economics Of International Energy Markets: ECON 3300

Game Theory I: ECON 4180

International Economics: ECON 4350

International Trade Theory And Policy: ECON 4352

Global Financial Economics: ECON 4355

Urban And Regional Economics: ECON 4421

Economics Of Natural Resources And The Environment: ECON 4440

Behavioral Economics: ECON 4401

Economic Regulation: ECON 4345

Economics Of Climate Change: ECON 4210

College Political Science

Government Of The United States: POL 1101

State And Local Government: POL 2101

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