New York University Courses

We offer tutoring for ALL courses at ALL colleges and universities nationwide.

If you don’t see your school or course listed in our course directory, please text/call us at 614-264-1110. We will have your student connected to an expert in less than 24 hours.

College Accounting: Stern School Of Business

Financial Accounting: ACCT.UB.0001, ACCT.UB.0003

Managerial Accounting/cost Accounting: ACCT.UB.0004, ACCT-GB.6331

Financial Reporting & Analysis : ACCT.UB.0021

Audit: ACCT-GB.6313/ACCT-GB.3313

College Entrepreneurship: Stern School Of Business

Fundamentals In Entrepreneurship: BTEP-UB.1

Venture Accelerator/new Ventures: BTEP-UB.5

Social Entrepreneurship: BSPA-UB.41

Entrepreneurial Management: MGMT-UB.8

College Finance: Stern School Of Business

Intro To Finance/financial Management: FINC-UB.2

Venture Capital And Private Equity: FINC-UB.32

Risk Management: FINC-UB.22, FINC-UB.81

Trading: FINC-UB.49

International Finance : FINC-UB.30

Real Estate Finance: FINC-UB.35

Applied Portfolio Management : FINC-UB.44

Corporate Finance: FINC-UB.7

College Information Systems: Stern School Of Business

Business Computing: TECH-UB.1

Intro To Business Analytics : MULT-UB.7

College Legal Studios in Business: Stern School Of Business

Sports And Entertainment Law: MULT-UB.48

College Management: Stern School Of Business

Strategic Management: MGMT-UB.18

Negotiations: MGMT-UB.30

College Marketing: Stern School Of Business

Marketing Fundamentals/intro To Marketing: MKTG-UB.1

Consumer Behavior: MKTG-UB.2

Marketing Research And Analytics : MKTG-UB.9

Pricing: MKTG-UB.53

New Product Development: MKTG-UB.60

Brand Management : MKTG-UB.55

Retailing: MKTG-UB.88, MKTG-UB.89

Sales Management : MKTG-UB.38

International Marketing: MKTG-UB.64

Social (media) And Online Marketing/digital Marketing: MKTG-UB.16, MKTG-UB.45, MKTG-UB.56, MKTG-UB.57

Advertising And Promotions: MKTG-UB.3

Sports Marketing: MKTG-UB.47

College Operations: Stern School Of Business

Operations Management : OPMG-UB.1

Supply Chain Management: OPMG-UB.6

College Organizational Development: Stern School Of Business

Organizational Behavior: MGMT-UB.1

Change Management : MGMT-UB.25

College Genetics

General Genetics: ANTH-GA 1525, BIOL-UH 2114

Molecular Genetics: BE-GY 113

Genomics/ Bioinformatics: BIOL-UA 44, BIOL-UA 103

Population Genetics: ANTH-GA 1513

College Biology: College Of Arts And Sciences

Introduction To Biology: BIOL-GA 2005, BIOL-GA 2006,

General Biology: BIOL-SHU 21, BIOL-SHU22, BIOL-SHU123, BIOL-UA 11, BIOL-UA 12, BIOL-UA 9011, BIOL-UA 9012, BIOL-UA 9123

Microbiology: BAS 01-DN1614, BAS01-DN2511, BIOL-GA1052, BIOL-SHU 267, BIOL-UA 70 ATB, BMS-UY 3214, BMSC-GA 2202, BMSC-GA 4468

Genetics: ANTH-GA 1525, BIOL-UH 2114

Molecular/ Cell Biology: BIOL-GA 1122, BIOL-GA 1123, BIOL-GA 1125, BIOL-UA 223, BIOL-UH 3114, BMS-GY 8011, BMS-GY 8013, BMS-UY 1001, BMS-UY 1003, BMS-UY 3314, BMS-UY 3611, BMS-UY 3613, BMS-UY 4324, BMSC-GA 2001, BMSC-GA 2002, BT-GY 6083, OPSC-UZ 692, OPSC-UZ 251, BMSC-GA 4476, BMS-UY 3711, BMS-GY 8023, BMS-GY 8021, BIOL-UA 9022, BIOL-UA 37 ATB, BIOL-UA 22, BIOL-UA 21, BIOL-SHU 314

Genomics/ Bioinformatics: BIOL-UA 44, BIOL-UA 103

Evolutionary Biology: BMIN-GA 7693, BI-GY 7693

Conservation Biology: BIOL-UH 3118

Cancer Biology: BIOL-UA 530

Chemical Biology: CHEM-GA 2674, CHEM-UA 868

Toxicology: FDNMN-ML 1030

Developmental Biology : BIOL-GA 1120, BIOL-SHU 263, BIOL-UA 26, BIOL-UH 3124, BIOL-UH 3219

College Chemistry : College Of Arts And Sciences

General Chemistry : CHEM-SHU 127, CHEM-UA 125

Introductory Chemistry : CCSC-SHU 102, CHEM-UA 120

Organic Chemistry: CHEM-UA 210, CHEM-UH 4212, CM-UY 2223, CM-UY 2221

Inorganic Chemistry: CHEM-GA 1111, CHEM-UA711, CHEM-UH3015, CM-GY6013, CM-GY6153, CM-UY3114, CM-UY108

Physical Chemistry: CHEM-UA 661, CHEM-UH 3012, CHEM-UH 3101

Environmental Chemistry : CE-GY 7373, CM-GY502, CM-UY5024

Analytical Chemistry: CHEM-UA 662

College Neuroscience: College Of Arts And Sciences

Introduction To Neuroscience: BT-GY 6053, BAS 01-DN1615

Cellular Neuroscience: BE-GY 610, BE-GY6023, NEUR-SHU210, NEURL-GA2201

Developmental Neuroscience: PSYCH-GA 2220

Behavioral Neuroscience: BIOL-UA 202, BIOL-UH3101, NEUR-SHU251, NEURL-GA3241, NEURL-UA220, NEURL-UA221, PSYCH-GA2206

Systems Neuroscience : BMSC-GA 4462

Neurophysiology: BE-GY 692

College Anatomy And Physiology: College Of Arts And Sciences

Anatomy And Physiology : DHYG 1-UD114, DHYG1-UD120, DHYGG-UD1014, DHYGG-UD1020, DHYGG-UD1052, HEAL1-UC3245, NURSE-UN70, OPSC-UZ619,

Anatomy : BIOL-UA 23, OT-GE2002, OT-GE2003, OT-UE1001, OT-UE1002, OT-UE1401

Physiology: BE-GY 600, BE-GY612, BIOL-UA4, BIOL-UA25, BIOL-UH2010, BMS-UY2001, BMS-UY2003, BMS-UY3514

Comparative Anatomy: ANTH-GA 1515

Histology: DHYGG-UD 1014, PT-GE2004

Exercise Physiology: PT-GE 2225

Embryology And Developmental Physiology: DHYGG-UD 1014

College Environmental Science : College Of Arts And Sciences

General Environmental Science: ENSTU-UF 101, ENVST-GA1000, ENVST-UA100

Ecology: ANTH-UA 90, BIOL-UA 63, BIOL-UH2120, ENVST-UA325

Environmental Issues: CCEX-SHU 203, CSTS-UH1105J

Environmental Policy/ Law: CSTS-UH 1129, ENVST-UA422, IDSEM-UG1853

Climate Change: ANTH-UA 9061, CDAD-UH1069EQ, CSTS-UH1096J, ENVST-UA226, EHSC-GA1010, ENVR-UH1111, ENVST-UA9226, GLOB1-GC2095

Science Of Water: CCOL-UH 1020, CCOL-UH1061

Introduction To Environmental Science: BIOL-GA 1004, ENVST-UA250

Environmental Analysis: CE-UY 3273

Environmental Sustainability : SCNC 1-UC3203

Earth Science: APSC-GA 3220, BIOL-UA332, ENVST-UA332, ENVST-UA340

College History

20th Century European Capitalism: HIST-UA 272

20th Century European Capitalism: HIST-UA 9272

A History Of London: HIST-UA 9127

Africa Before Colonialism: HIST-UA 55

African Ways Of Knowing: HIST-UA 572

African-american History Since 1865: HIST-UA 648

African-american History To 1865: HIST-UA 647

Afro-eurasia Before Modernity: HIST-UA 72

America In The 60's: HIST-UA 644

American Constitution: HIST-UA 9330

Ancient Israel: History & Archaeology: HIST-UA 9524

Autobiography And History: HIST-UA 556

Berlin's Modern History Cult: A European Perspective: HIST-UA 9984

Black Lives Writing Washington, Dc: HIST-UA 9185

Black Women In America: HIST-UA 661

Britain And The British Empire: HIST-UA 162

Cocoa And Gold: Ghana's Development In Global Perspective: HIST-UA 9573

Colonial Latin America: HIST-UA 743

Comp Modern Societies: Pol & Soc In 20c Germany: HIST-UA 9133

Comparative Fascism: HIST-UA 9290

Connections And Encounters: China And The World In The Early Modern Period: HIST-UA 573

Contemporary Latin America: HIST-UA 745

Contemporary Perspectives On The Civil War And The 'recovery Of Historical Memory' In Spain: HIST-UA 9264

Cuba: Hist & Revolution: HIST-UA 755

Culture & Communism In Eastern Europe: HIST-UA 263

Early Modern Britain: HIST-UA 161

Empires In World History: HIST-UA 35

Environmental History Of Migration In Europe And The Americas: HIST-UA 9186

Espionage And The Making Of The Modern World: HIST-UA 23

Europe Since 1945: HIST-UA 9156

French-african Relations: HIST-UA 9510

Germany And East Central Europe: HIST-UA 9514

Giordano Bruno And The Art Of Memory: HIST-UA 126

Global Asia In The Modern World: HIST-UA 73

Global Culture Wars: HIST-UA 651

Greek History From The Bronze Age To Alexander: HIST-UA 200

Hist French Revolution & Napoleon (in English): HIST-UA 9143

Hist Of Modern Ireland I: 1580-1800: HIST-UA 182

Hist Of Nationalism In Cent & Eastern Europe: HIST-UA 9176

Historical Consciousness In Latin America And The Caribbean: HIST-UA 454

Histories Of Neoliberalism: HIST-UA 421

History & Literatures Of The South Asian Diaspora: HIST-UA 326

History In The Headlines: HIST-UA 70

History In The Headlines: HIST-UA 9070

History Of Economic Thought From Adam Smith To The Euro-crisis: HIST-UA 592

History Of Germany In The 20th: HIST-UA 167

History Of Medicine: HIST-UA 158

History Of Modern Ireland (1845-1922): HIST-UA 183

History Of Modern Japan: HIST-UA 537

History Of Rome: The Republic: HIST-UA 205

History Of The American West: HIST-UA 625

History Of The Andes: HIST-UA 753

History Of The Body: HIST-UA 310

History Of The Byzantine Empire I, 4th-9th Centuries: HIST-UA 304

History Of The Roman Empire: HIST-UA 206

History Of United States Environmental Policy: HIST-UA 9423

History Of Water: HIST-UA 594

History Of World Trade: HIST-UA 213

Immigration: HIST-UA 9452

Imperial China: HIST-UA 298

Imperial Cities: Rome, Constantinople, Istanbul: HIST-UA 160

Intro To Latin American Studies: HIST-UA 9744

Intro To Us Education Historical And Contemporary: HIST-UA 60

Introduction To Native American Studies: HIST-UA 747

Introduction To Science And Society: HIST-UA 66

Islam And The West: HIST-UA 9520

Italian History:: HIST-UA 176

Italy During The Renaissance: Florence: HIST-UA 9123

Japan’s Empire In Asia: HIST-UA 525

Jewish Europe After The Holocaust: HIST-UA 18

Korean Civilization: HIST-UA 735

Left And Right In American History: HIST-UA 688

Light And Night In Western History: HIST-UA 922

Mao And The Chinese Revolution: HIST-UA 546

Mediev Church: Religious Hist Of Crisis & Creativ: HIST-UA 9117

Medieval France. From Regions To Nation: HIST-UA 920

Mediterranean Worlds: HIST-UA 131

Modern African History: HIST-UA 56

Modern Europe: HIST-UA 12

Modern Europe: HIST-UA 9012

Modern Imperialism: 19th & 20th Centuries: HIST-UA 9198

Modern Italy: HIST-UA 9168

Modern Jewish History: HIST-UA 99

Money In World History: HIST-UA 901

Mongol Empires In World History: HIST-UA 563

Nationalism And Global History: HIST-UA 816

Nations And Nationalisms In Europe, 1815-1947: HIST-UA 924

Native North America: HIST-UA 87

Northern Europe In The Age Of Renaissance And Reformation: HIST-UA 264

Palestine, Zionism, & Israel: HIST-UA 532

Pandemics In World History: HIST-UA 79

Pirates And Buccaneers: Seaborne Terrorism In The Early Modern World: HIST-UA 369

Political Economy And Empire: HIST-UA 445

Problems In Contemporary China: HIST-UA 517

Protest Movements In France (in Eng): HIST-UA 9867

Race And Reproduction: HIST-UA 681

Race And The Environment: HIST-UA 575

Race, Civil War & Reconstruction: HIST-UA 814

Religion, Race And Economics: An Introduction To American Jewish History: HIST-UA 589

Renaissance And Early Modern Europe: HIST-UA 22

Revolt On Campus: Us Student Protest In The 20th Century: HIST-UA 312

Russian Jewish History: HIST-UA 103

Samurai And Mongols: Japan’s Eurasian Dream: HIST-UA 548

Students & Protest In Modern China: HIST-UA 562

The Chinese Cultural Revolution: HIST-UA 526

The City In Western History: From Antiquity To Early Modernity: HIST-UA 25

The Cold War In Asia: 1945-2001: HIST-UA 709

The Early Middle Ages, 300-1050: HIST-UA 111

The Emergence Of The Modern Middle East: HIST-UA 531

The Greek World: Alexander To Augustus: HIST-UA 243

The High Middle Ages: HIST-UA 114

The History Of New York And Paris: A Tale Of Two Cities.: HIST-UA 309

The History Of Western Medicine: HIST-UA 202

The Holocaust: The Third Reich And The Jews: HIST-UA 808

The Irish And New York: HIST-UA 180

The Irish In America: HIST-UA 187

The Making Of The Muslim Middle East, 600 - 1400: HIST-UA 542

The Medieval Life Cycle. From Birth To Rebirth: HIST-UA 104

The Ottoman Empire And The World Around It: HIST-UA 515

Topics In Asian History:: HIST-UA 654

Topics In French History: HIST-UA 9141

Topics In Latin American History: HIST-UA 744

Two Diasporas: Irish And Italian: HIST-UA 208

U.s. Foreign Relations Since 1945: HIST-UA 691

U.s. Immigration: HIST-UA 508

Urban Modernism In Twentieth-century Cities: HIST-UA 828

Us Campus Politics And Student Protest In 21st Century: HIST-UA 311

Us History In Transnational & Global Perspective: HIST-UA 667

Us Since 1865: HIST-UA 10

Us Student Activism In The Long 1960s: HIST-UA 313

Vietnam: The War & Its History: HIST-UA 737

War And Cinema From Wwi To The Arab Spring: HIST-UA 276

War Films And American History: HIST-UA 665

What Is Islam?: HIST-UA 9085

World Of Medieval Magic: HIST-UA 262

World War Ii: HIST-UA 45

Writing British History: HIST-UA 452

Wwii In East Asia: HIST-UA 931

Zionism & The State Of Israel: HIST-UA 516

F Masculinity: Histories o

Modern Russia: History of

The U.s. To 1865: HIST-UA 9

Voices Of Empire: HIST-UA 5

College Art History

History Of Western Art I: ARTH-UA 1

Foundations Of Art History: ARTH-UA 10

Roman Art: ARTH-UA 103

Roman Architecture: ARTH-UA 105

Ancient Egyptian Art: ARTH-UA 110

Sp Tpcs Ancient Art:: ARTH-UA 150

History Of Western Art Ii: ARTH-UA 2

Art Of Early Middle Ages: ARTH-UA 201

Romanesque Art: ARTH-UA 202

Gothic Art In Northern Europe: ARTH-UA 203

Art And Architecture In The Age Of Giotto: ARTH-UA 204

Medieval Architecture: ARTH-UA 205

Sp Tpcs Medieval Art:: ARTH-UA 250

Ancient Art: ARTH-UA 3

Architecture & Urbanism In The Age Of The Baroque: ARTH-UA 302

Early Masters Of Italian Renaissance Painting: ARTH-UA 306

Age Of Leonardo, Raphael & Michelangelo: ARTH-UA 307

Italian Art In The Age Of The Baroque: ARTH-UA 309

Dutch &flemish Painting, 1600-1700: ARTH-UA 311

Art In Spain From El Greco To Goya: ARTH-UA 315

European And American Decorative Arts: Renaissance To Modern: ARTH-UA 317

Sp Tpcs Renaissance & Baroque Art:: ARTH-UA 350

Medieval Art: ARTH-UA 4

Modern Architecture: 1914 To The Present: ARTH-UA 409

Social History Of Photography: ARTH-UA 432

Sp Tpcs Modern Art:: ARTH-UA 450

Renaissance Art: ARTH-UA 5

East Asian Art I: China, Korea, Japan To 1000 Ce: ARTH-UA 510

East Asian Art Ii:china, Korea, Japan, 1000ce-pr: ARTH-UA 511

South Asian Art I: Indus Valley To 1200: ARTH-UA 530

South Asian Art Ii: 1200 To The Present: ARTH-UA 531

Art In Islamic World I: From Prophet To Mongols: ARTH-UA 540

Art In The Islamic World Ii: Mongols To Modernism: ARTH-UA 541

Sp Tpcs Non-western Art:: ARTH-UA 550

Arts Of Africa: ARTH-UA 560

North American Indian Arts: ARTH-UA 570

Modern Art: ARTH-UA 6

History Of Architecture: Antiquity To Present: ARTH-UA 601

Sp Tpcs In Urban Design & Architecture:: ARTH-UA 650

Shaping The Urban Environment: ARTH-UA 661

Hist Of City Planning, 19th & 20th Centuries: ARTH-UA 663

Decision-making & Urban Design: ARTH-UA 670

Architecture In Context: ARTH-UA 671

Environmental Design: Issues & Methods: ARTH-UA 672

Urban Design: Infrastructure: ARTH-UA 673

Urban Design & The Law: ARTH-UA 674

Seminar In Urban Options For The Future: ARTH-UA 675

Drawing For Architects & Others: ARTH-UA 676

Reading The City: ARTH-UA 677

Museums & The Art Market: ARTH-UA 701

Renaissance Art: ARTH-UA 900

British Art In London: ARTH-UA 901

Special Topics Ancient Art:: ARTH-UA 915

Topics Medieval Art: ARTH-UA 925

Early Masters Of Italian Renaissance Painting: ARTH-UA 930

Age Of Leonardo,raphael And Michelangelo: ARTH-UA 930

Florentine Villas: An Interpretation Based On Historical And Social Factors: ARTH-UA 930

Masterpieces In The Prado Museum Ii(in Span): ARTH-UA 932

Masterpieces In The Prado Museum Ii: ARTH-UA 933

Renaissance Art In London: ARTH-UA 935

Impressionism To Post-impressionism: ARTH-UA 941

Cubism To Surrealism: ARTH-UA 941

Art And Social Movements In Spain: 1888 - 1939: ARTH-UA 941

East Asian Art Ii:china, Korea, Japan, 1000ce-pr: ARTH-UA 951

Special Topics In Non Western Art: ARTH-UA 955

Topics:: ARTH-UA 965

Place-building-time:the Architecture Of Berlin: ARTH-UA 965

The Gardens And Landscapes Of Tuscany: ARTH-UA 965

Czech Art & Architecture: ARTH-UA 966

The French Art World In The 19&20 C(in English): ARTH-UA 966

Seeing London's Architecture: ARTH-UA 967

Recycling Architecture: New Life For Older Bldgs: ARTH-UA 967

College Hebrew

Elementary Hebrew I: HBRJD-UA 1

Elementary Hebrew Ii: HBRJD-UA 2

Intermediate Hebrew I: HBRJD-UA 3

Intermediate Hebrew Ii: HBRJD-UA 4

Hebrew Language Through Film: HBRJD-UA 10

Advanced Hebrew I: HBRJD-UA 11

Advanced Hebrew: Israeli Communications: HBRJD-UA 73

College English

Introduction To The Study Of Literature: ENGL-UA 101

Literatures In English I: Medieval & Early Modern Literatures: ENGL-UA 111

Literatures In English Ii: Literatures Of The British Isles & British Empire 1660-1900: ENGL-UA 112

Literatures In English Iii: American Literatures To 1900: ENGL-UA 113

Literatures In English Iv: Twentieth & Twenty-first Century Literatures: ENGL-UA 114

History Of Drama & Theater I: ENGL-UA 125

Dante’s Divine Comedy: ENGL-UA 142

Writing New York: ENGL-UA 180

Reading As A Writer: ENGL-UA 240

20th Century African-american Literature: ENGL-UA 251

American Fiction Since Wwii: ENGL-UA 640

Major Texts In Critical Theory: ENGL-UA 712

History & Literatures Of The South Asian Diaspora: ENGL-UA 721

Readings In Contemporary Literary Theory: ENGL-UA 735

Writing London: ENGL-UA 9182

Contemporary British Literature & Culture: ENGL-UA 9607

College French

Elementary French Level I: FREN-UA 1, FREN-UA 9001 (in French)

Elementary French Level Ii: FREN-UA 2, FREN-UA 9002

Intensive Elementary French: FREN-UA 10, FREN-UA 9010

Spoken Contemporary French I: FREN-UA 101, FREN-UA 9101

French Phonetics: FREN-UA 103, FREN-UA 9103

Written Contemporary French: FREN-UA 105, FREN-UA 9105

Intermediate French I: FREN-UA 11, FREN-UA 9011

Business French: FREN-UA 110, FREN-UA 9012

Intermediate French Ii: FREN-UA 12

Approaches To French Literature: FREN-UA 140, FREN-UA 9140

Approaches To French History: FREN-UA 163

Intensive Intermediate French: FREN-UA 20, FREN-UA 9020

French Grammar & Composition: FREN-UA 30, FREN-UA 9030

French News In Conversation: FREN-UA 904

College Spanish

Spanish For Beginners - Level I: SPAN-UA 1, SPAN-UA 9001

Intensive Elementary Spanish: SPAN-UA 10, SPAN-UA 9010

Topics In Applied Spanish Language: Spanish For Business: SPAN-UA 100

Intermediate Spanish For Spanish Speakers: SPAN-UA 11

Creative Writing In Spanish: SPAN-UA 120

Advanced Poetry: Writing Poetry: SPAN-UA 124

Spanish For Beginners - Level 2: SPAN-UA 2, SPAN-UA 9002

Intensive Intermediate Spanish: SPAN-UA 20, SPAN-UA 9020

Intermediate Spanish I: SPAN-UA 3, SPAN-UA 9003

Intermediate Spanish Ii: SPAN-UA 4, SPAN-UA 9004

Advanced Spanish: SPAN-UA 50, SPAN-UA 9050

Advanced Spanish For Spanish-speaking Students: SPAN-UA 51, SPAN-UA 9051

Advanced Conversation: SPAN-UA 60

Intensive Spanish For Advanced Beginners: SPAN-UA 9015

Spanish For Commerce: SPAN-UA 9063

College Engineering

Aerospace Engineering:

Compressible Flow: AE-UY 4603

Aerodynamics: AE-UY 4613

Aerospace Propulsion: AE-UY 4633

Flight Vehicle Dynamics And Control: AE-UY 4653

Structural Dynamics And Aeroelasticity: AE-UY 4673

Aircraft Design: AE-UY 4693

Chemical And Biomolecular Engineering:

Introduction To Chemical And Biomolecular Engineering: CBE-UY 1002

Analysis Of Chemical And Biomolecular Processes: CBE-UY 2124

Chemical Engineering Computation: CBE-UY 2233

Chemical And Biomolecular Engineering Thermodynamics: CBE-UY 3153

Transport I: CBE-UY 3313

Polymeric Materials: CBE-UY 3173

Chemical And Biomolecular Engineering Separations: CBE-UY 3233

Kinetics And Reactor Design: CBE-UY 3223

Transport Ii: CBE-UY 3323

Engineering Laboratory I: CBE-UY 4113

Process Dynamics And Control: CBE-UY 4143

Chemical And Biomolecular Process Design I: CBE-UY 4163

Engineering Laboratory Ii: CBE-UY 4213

Biochemical Engineering: CBE-UY 4223

Chemical And Biomolecular Process Design Ii: CBE-UY 4263

Special Topics In Chemical And Biomolecular Engineering: CBE-UY 401X

Chemical Engineering Internship: CBE-UY 495X

Civil And Urban Engineering:

Introduction To Civil Engineering: CE-UY 1002

Structural Statics: CE-UY 2112

Strength Of Materials: CE-UY 2122

Analysis Of Determinate Structures: CE-UY 2143

Fluid Mechanics And Hydraulics: CE-UY 2213

Transportation Engineering: CE-UY 2343

Construction Project Management: CE-UY 2533

Computing In Civil Engineering: CE-UY 3013

Geotechnical Engineering: CE-UY 3153

Materials For The Built Environment: CE-UY 3163

Structural Engineering: CE-UY 3183

Introduction To Environmental Engineering: CE-UY 3223

Water Resources Engineering: CE-UY 3243

Leadership, Business Principles, Policy And Ethics In Civil Engineering: CE-UY 4092

Civil Engineering Capstone: CE-UY 4803

Civil Engineering Concentration Capstone: CE-UY 48X 3

Fundamentals Of Engineering Exam Registration For Cue: CE-UY 4990

Undergraduate Research Project In Civil And Urban Engineering: CE-UY 496X

Computer Science:

Introduction To Computer Science: CSCI-UA 101

Data Structures: CSCI-UA 102

Introduction To Computer Programming (no Prior Experience): CSCI-UA 2

Introduction To Computer Programming (limited Prior Experience): CSCI-UA 3

Computer Systems Organization: CSCI-UA 201

Operating Systems: CSCI-UA 202

Basic Algorithms: CSCI-UA 310

Introduction To Computer Simulation: CSCI-UA 330

Topics Of General Computing Interest: CSCI-UA 380

Programming Tools For Data Scientists: CSCI-UA 381

Numerical Computing: CSCI-UA 421

Theory Of Computation: CSCI-UA 453

Applied Internet Technology: CSCI-UA 467

Natural Language Processing: CSCI-UA 469

Object-oriented Programming: CSCI-UA 470

Artificial Intelligence: CSCI-UA 472

Introduction To Machine Learning: CSCI-UA 473

Predictive Analytics: CSCI-UA 475

Processing Big Data For Analytics Applications: CSCI-UA 476

Data Management And Analysis: CSCI-UA 479

Special Topics: Computer Networks: CSCI-UA 480

Special Topics: Introduction To Numerical Optimization: CSCI-UA 480

Special Topics: Introduction To Social Networking: CSCI-UA 480

Special Topics: Natural Language Processing: CSCI-UA 480

Special Topics: Parallel Computing: CSCI-UA 480

Honors Research Project: CSCI-UA 520

Undergraduate Research: CSCI-UA 521

Pre-college Computer Science: CS-UY 1

Problem Solving And Programming I: CS-UY 1113

Introduction To Programming And Problem Solving: CS-UY 1114

Problem Solving Via Programming: CS-UY 1121

Introduction To Computer Science: CS-UY 1122

Problem Solving And Programming Ii: CS-UY 1123

Object Oriented Programming: CS-UY 1124

Data Structures And Algorithms: CS-UY 1134

Introduction To Programming With Java: CS-UY 1213

Assembly Language: CS-UY 2053

Computer Science For Civil Engineers: CS-UY 2102

Programming With Vba/excel: CS-UY 2113

Data Structures And Algorithms: CS-UY 2134

Introduction To Programming In C: CS-UY 2163

Digital Logic And State Machine Design: CS-UY 2204

Computer Architecture And Organization: CS-UY 2214

Design And Analysis Of Algorithms: CS-UY 2413

Introduction To Databases: CS-UY 3083

Introduction To Game Programming: CS-UY 3113

Special Topics In Computer Science: CS-UY 394X

Undergraduate Guided Studies In Computer Science: CS-UY 410X

Undergraduate Research In Computer Science: CS-UY 420X

Assembly Language: CS-UY 550

Electrical And Computer Engineering:

Introduction To Electrical And Computer Engineering: ECE-UY 1002

Introduction To Computer Engineering: ECE-UY 1012

Fundamentals Of Electric Circuits: ECE-UY 2004

Fundamentals Of Electric Circuits I: ECE-UY 2013

Fundamentals Of Electric Circuits Ii: ECE-UY 2024

Digital Logic And State Machine Design: ECE-UY 2204

Introduction To Probability: ECE-UY 2233

Fundamentals Of Electric Power Engineering For Non-ee Students: ECE-UY 2613

Signals And Systems: ECE-UY 3054

Feedback Control: ECE-UY 3064

Control System Design: ECE-UY 107

Fundamentals Of Electronics Ii: ECE-UY 112

Communication Electronics: ECE-UY 116

Fundamentals Of Communication Theory: ECE-UY 140

Electromagnetic Waves: ECE-UY 160

Electromagnetic Fields And Radiation: ECE-UY 164

Design Project: Electromagnetic Waves And Applications: ECE-UY 219

Undergraduate Research In Electrical And Computer Engineering: ECE-UY 345X

Guided Studies In Ee: ECE-UY 371

Guided Studies In Ee: ECE-UY 372

Guided Studies In Ee: ECE-UY 373

Guided Studies In Ee: ECE-UY 374

Guided Studies In Ee: ECE-UY 375

Guided Studies In Ee: ECE-UY 376

Guided Studies In Electrical And Computer Engineering: ECE-UY 378X

Guided Studies In Computer Engineering: ECE-UY 381

Guided Studies In Computer Engineering: ECE-UY 382

Guided Studies In Computer Engineering: ECE-UY 383

Guided Studies In Computer Engineering: ECE-UY 384

Guided Studies In Computer Engineering: ECE-UY 385

Guided Studies In Computer Engineering: ECE-UY 386

Mechanical Engineering:

Introduction To Mechanical Engineering: ME-UY 1012

Computer Aided Design: ME-UY 2112

Engineering Design Methods: ME-UY 2123

Statics: ME-UY 2213

Dynamics: ME-UY 2223

Introduction To Materials Science: ME-UY 2813

Mechanics Of Materials: ME-UY 3213

Structures Practicum: ME-UY 3231

Machine Design: ME-UY 3233

Vibration Fundamentals & Design: ME-UY 3243

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory: ME-UY 3311

Fluid Mechanics: ME-UY 3313

Energy Systems: ME-UY 3323

Thermodynamics: ME-UY 3333

Automatic Control Laboratory: ME-UY 3411

Automatic Control: ME-UY 3413

Measurement Systems Laboratory: ME-UY 3511

Measurement Systems: ME-UY 3513

Manufacturing Systems I: ME-UY 3713

Materials Science Laboratory: ME-UY 3811

Senior Design I: ME-UY 4103

Senior Design Ii: ME-UY 4113

Design And Fabrication Of Composite Materials: ME-UY 4213

Finite Element Modeling, Design And Analysis: ME-UY 4214

Vibrations: ME-UY 4223

Heat Transfer Laboratory: ME-UY 4311

Thermo-fluids Practicum: ME-UY 4312

Heat Transfer: ME-UY 4313

Internal Combustion Engines: ME-UY 4353

Heating, Ventilation And Air Conditioning: ME-UY 4363

Introduction To Nuclear Engineering: ME-UY 4373

Special Topics In Mechanical Engineering: ME-UY 498X

College Applied Psychology: NYU Steinhardt

Introduction To Psychology (psych-ua 1): PSYCH-UA 1

Statistics For The Behavioral Sciences (psych-ua 10: PSYCH-UA 10

Statistics And Data Analysis For Research In Psychology (psych-ua 11: PSYCH-UA 11

Data Literacy For Psychology (psych-ua 8): PSYCH-UA 8

From Illusions To Inference (psych-ua 60): PSYCH-UA 60

Computational Neuroscience (psych-ua 300): PSYCH-UA 300

Computer Programming For The Psychological Sciences (psych-ua 300): PSYCH-UA 300

Decision Making (psych-ua 300): PSYCH-UA 300

Perception (psych-ua 22): PSYCH-UA 22

Cognitive Neuroscience (psych-ua 25): PSYCH-UA 25

Cognition (psych-ua 29): PSYCH-UA 29

Developmental Psychology (psych-ua 34): PSYCH-UA 34

Social Neuroscience (psych-ua 35): PSYCH-UA 35

Personality (psych-ua 30): PSYCH-UA 30

Social Psychology (psych-ua 32): PSYCH-UA 32

Developmental Psychology (psych-ua 34): PSYCH-UA 34

Social Neuroscience (psych-ua 35): PSYCH-UA 35

Laboratory In Social And Organizational Psychology (psych-ua 38): PSYCH-UA 38

Laboratory In Personality And Social Psychology (psych-ua 39): PSYCH-UA 39

Laboratory In Developmental Psychology (psych-ua 40): PSYCH-UA 40

Laboratory In Infancy Research (psych-ua 42): PSYCH-UA 42

Laboratory In Cognition And Perception (psych-ua 46): PSYCH-UA 46

Psychological Science And Society (psych-ua 53): PSYCH-UA 53

Teaching In Psychology (psych-ua 2): PSYCH-UA 2

Language And Mind (psych-ua 27): PSYCH-UA 27

Practicum In Clinical Psychology Research (psych-ua 43): PSYCH-UA 43

Linguistics As Cognitive Science (psych-ua 48): PSYCH-UA 48

Abnormal Psychology (psych-ua 51): PSYCH-UA 51

Introduction To Psycholinguistics (psych-ua 56): PSYCH-UA 56

First Language Acquisition (psych-ua 59): PSYCH-UA 59

From Illusions To Inference (psych-ua 60): PSYCH-UA 60

Industrial And Organizational Psychology (psych-ua 62): PSYCH-UA 62

Motivation And Volition (psych-ua 74): PSYCH-UA 74

Political Psychology (psych-ua 75): PSYCH-UA 75

Experiments In Beauty (psych-ua 79): PSYCH-UA

Clinical Psychology (psych-ua 81): PSYCH-UA 79

Special Topics In Psychology - Topics Vary (psych-ua 300): PSYCH-UA 300

Introduction To Neuroscience: BT-GY 6053, BAS 01-DN1615

College Sociology

Capitalism And Democracy: SOC-UA 388

Criminology: SOC-UA 503

Immigration: SOC-UA 452

Intro To Methods Of Sociological Research: SOC-GA 2330

Intro To Sociology: SOC-UA 1

Law And Society: SOC-UA 413

College Statistics And Probability

Statistics For The Social And Behavioral Sciences I: APSTA-GE 2001

Statistics For Behav And Social Sciences Ii: APSTA-GE 2002

Math, Statistics And R Programming Bootcamp: APSTA-GE 2006

Applied Spatial Statistics: APSTA-GE 2015

Basic Statistics: APSTA-GE 2085

Basic Statistics Ii: APSTA-GE 2086

Practicum In Applied Statistics: Applied Probability: APSTA-GE 2351

Practicum In Applied Statistics: Statistical Computing: APSTA-GE 2352

Practicum In Applied Statistics: Social Science Research Methods: APSTA-GE 2357

Basic Statistics I: APSTA-UE 1085

Using Statistics To Address Controversies In Educational Equity: APSTA-UE 1090

Statistics For Biomedical Engineers: BE-GY 6463

Applied Mathematics And Statistics For Biomedical Engineering: BE-GY 6473

Applied Biostatistics For Bioinformatics: BI-GY 7673

Statistics In Biology: BIOL-GA 2030

Statistics And Machine Learning For Genomics: BIOL-GA 2031

Intro To Biostatistics: BIOL-GA 2303

Biostatistics: BIOL-UA 42

Biostatistics And Human Genetics: BIOL-UA 45

Data Analysis And Biostatistics With R: BMSC-GA 4451

Probability & Statistics: COR 1-GB 1155

Statistics And Data Analysis: COR 1-GB 1305

Probability And Statistics For Data Science: DS-GA 1002

Mathematical Statistics: DS-GA 1020

Statistics: ECON-UA 18

Analytical Statistics: ECON-UA 20

Intro To Biostatistics: EHSC-GA 2303

Biostatistics For Public Health: GPH-GU 2995

Biostatistics For Public Health: GPH-GU 5995

Computational Statistics: MA-GY 6973

Basic Practice Of Statistics For Social Scienc: MA-UY 2414

Applied Statistics: MA-UY 4114

Computational Statistics: MATH-GA 2080

Mathematical Statistics: MATH-UA 234

Probability & Statistics: MATH-UA 235

Statistics For Data Analysts: G-GY 6193

Statistics For Teachers: MTHED-GE 2103

Statistics I: NURSE-UN 80

Introductory Statistics: PHDSW-GS 3028

Masters Statistics: PSYCH-GA 2016

Statistics For The Behavioral Sciences: PSYCH-UA 10

Statistics And Data Analysis For Research In Psychology: PSYCH-UA 11

Statistics For Real Estate Economics: EBS 1-UC 1101

Intro To Statistics: SOC-GA 2332

Statistics For Social Research: SOC-UA 302

Biostatistics For Public Health: UGPH-GU 20

Biostatistics For Public Health: UGPH-GU 9020

College Math : Department of Math

Algebra, Trigonometry, and Functions: MATH-UA 009

Discrete Mathematics: MATH-UA 120

Calculus I: MATH-UA 121

Calculus II: MATH-UA 122

Calculus III: MATH-UA 123

Honors Calculus III: MATH-UA 129

Math for Economics I: MATH-UA 131

Math for Economics II: MATH-UA 132

Math for Economics III: MATH-UA 133

Linear Algebra: MATH-UA 140

Introduction to Computer Simulation: MATH-UA 144

Honors Linear Algebra: MATH-UA 148

Earth’s Atmosphere and Ocean: Fluid Dynamics and Climate: MATH-UA 228

Introduction to Fluid Dynamics: MATH-UA 230

Set Theory: MATH-UA 232

Theory of Probability: MATH-UA 233

Mathematical Statistics: MATH-UA 234

Probability and Statistics: MATH-UA 235

Honors Theory of Probability: MATH-UA 238

Combinatorics: MATH-UA 240

Theory of Numbers: MATH-UA 248

Mathematics of Finance: MATH-UA 250

Introduction to Mathematical Modeling: MATH-UA 251

Numerical Analysis: MATH-UA 252

Linear and Nonlinear Optimization: MATH-UA 253

Mathematics in Medicine and Biology: MATH-UA 255

Computers in Medicine and Biology: MATH-UA 256

Honors Numerical Analysis: MATH-UA 258

Ordinary Differential Equations: MATH-UA 262

Partial Differential Equations: MATH-UA 263

Chaos and Dynamical Systems: MATH-UA 264

Honors Ordinary Differential Equations: MATH-UA 268

Functions of a Complex Variable: MATH-UA 282

Analysis: MATH-UA 325

Honors Analysis I: MATH-UA 328

Honors Analysis II: MATH-UA 329

Algebra: MATH-UA 343

Honors Algebra I: MATH-UA 348

Honors Algebra II: MATH-UA 349

Topology: MATH-UA 375

Differential Geometry: MATH-UA 377

Honors I: MATH-UA 393

Honors II: MATH-UA 394

Special Topics I: MATH-UA 395

Special Topics II: MATH-UA 396

Honors III: MATH-UA 397

Honors IV: MATH-UA 398

Internship: MATH-UA 897

Independent Study: MATH-UA 997

Precalculus for Engineers: MA-UY.0914

Calculus I for Engineers: MA-UY.1024

Linear Algebra: MA-UY.1044

Calculus II for Engineers: MA-UY.1124

Linear Algebra and Differential Equations: MA-UY.2034

Calculus III: Multi-Dimensional Calculus: MA-UY.2114

Data Analysis: MA-UY.2224

Discrete Mathematics: MA-UY.2314

Basic Practice of Statistics: MA-UY.2414

Honors Calculus III: MA-UY.2514

Applied Probability: MA-UY.3014

Honors Linear Algebra: MA-UY.3054

Linear and Nonlinear Optimization: MA-UY.3204

Honors Probability: MA-UY.3514

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering: MA-UY.3603

Theory of Numbers: MA-UY.4014

Applied Statistics: MA-UY.4114

Ordinary Differential Equations: MA-UY.4204

Honors Ordinary Differential Equations: MA-UY.4254

Combinatorics: MA-UY.4314

Mathematics of Finance: MA-UY.4324

Applied Partial Differential Equations: MA-UY.4414

Numerical Analysis: MA-UY.4424

Applied Complex Variables: MA-UY.4434

Intro to Math Modeling: MA-UY.4444

Chaos and Dynamical Systems: MA-UY.4474

Honors Numerical Analysis: MA-UY.4524

Applied Analysis: MA-UY.4614

Honors Analysis I: MA-UY.4644

Honors Analysis II: MA-UY.4654

Differential Geometry: MA-UY.4674

College Physics : Department of Physics

The Universe: Its Nature and History: PHYS-UA 7

General Physics I: PHYS-UA 11

General Physics II: PHYS-UA 12

Observational Astronomy: PHYS-UA 13

Introduction to Cosmology: PHYS-UA 15

20th Cent Concepts of Space, Time, & Matter: PHYS-UA 20

Introductory Experimental Physics I: PHYS-UA 71

Introductory Experimental Physics II: PHYS-UA 72

Intermediate Experimental Physics I: PHYS-UA 73

Intermediate Experimental Physics II: PHYS-UA 74

Physics I: PHYS-UA 91

Physics II: PHYS-UA 93

Physics III: PHYS-UA 95

Mathematical Physics: PHYS-UA 106

Electronics for Scientists I: PHYS-UA 110

Advanced Experimental Physics: PHYS-UA 112

Advanced Mathematical Physics: PHYS-UA 115

Dynamics: PHYS-UA 120

Quantum Mechanics I: PHYS-UA 123

Quantum Mechanics II: PHYS-UA 124

Electricity & Magnet I: PHYS-UA 131

Electricity & Magnet II: PHYS-UA 132

Condensed Matter Physics: PHYS-UA 135

Readings in Particle Physics: PHYS-UA 136

Quantum Information and Quantum Computing: PHYS-UA 138

Thermal & Statistical Physics: PHYS-UA 140

Astrophysics: PHYS-UA 150

General Relativity: PHYS-UA 170

Introduction to Fluid Dynamics: PHYS-UA 180

Computational Physics: PHYS-UA 210

Special Topics in Physics: PHYS-UA 800

Independent Study (Fall): PHYS-UA 997

Independent Study (Spring): PHYS-UA 998

Criminal Justice: School Of Law

Criminology: LWSOC-GA 2021, LWSOC-UA 503, SCA-UA 851, SOC-GA 2503, SOC-UA 503, SOCY 1-UC 7255

The Criminal Justice State: SCA-UA 235

Research Seminar: Criminology: SOC-GA 3503, SOC-GA 3513

Introduction To Sociology: SOCS-SHU 110

Advanced Social Policy: Criminal Justice/restorative Justice: MSWAC-GS 2013

Advanced Social Policy-criminal Justice: MSWAC-GS 2031

Criminal Law: LAW-LW.11147.001, LAW-LW.11147.002, LAW-LW.11147.003, LAW-LW.11147.004, LAW-LW.11147.005

Criminal Procedure: Arraignment To Postconviction: LAW-LW.10675.001

Criminal Procedure: Fourth And Fifth Amendments: LAW-LW.10395.001

Cybersecurity Law Seminar: Hacking, Regulation And Governance: LAW-LW.12535.001

Domestic Violence Law Seminar: LAW-LW.12718.001

Race, Crime, And Incarceration Policy In The United States: PADM-GP 4401

Emerging Issues In Federal Criminal Law Seminar: LAW-LW.12892.001

Regulation Of Foreign Corrupt Practices: LAW-LW.12081.001

Retribution In Criminal Justice: Political Violence And Its Relation To Manhood (shakespeare) Seminar: LAW-LW.10447.001

Retribution In Criminal Justice: Political Violence And Its Relation To Manhood (shakespeare) Seminar - Writing Credit: LAW-LW.11416.001

Sentencing Seminar: LAW-LW.10016.001

The Politics Of Organized Crime: ANTH-UA 9077

Crime & Punish: Gender & Imprisonment: DRAP-GA 1405

Crime Control Policy: POL-GA 2332

Forensic Social Work: Practice With The Criminal Justice Involved Client: MSWEL-GS 3100

Forensic Psychology: PSYC 1-UC 6852, PSYCH-GA 2038

Forensic Science: PHYS-UH 3218

Forensic Justice And Problem-solving Courts: MSWEL-GS 2101

Introduction To Forensic Anthropology: ANTH-UA 326

Forensic Science: Guilty Or Not Guilty?: CDAD-UH 1005EJQ, CDAD-UH 1005EQ

The Politics Of Organized Crime: SOC-UA 9506

English For Academic Purposes: Crime, Punishment, And Atonement: EAP-SHU 101A

First -year Research Seminar: Thought Crimes: Criminal Intent In Law, Lit & Society: FIRST-UG 745

First-year Research Seminar: Art Crimes: FIRST-UG 757

Social Deviance And Crime: SOCY 1-UC 7254

Crime And Deviance: SRPP-UH 1816

Culture & Critique: Crime & Capital: FREN-GA 1951

Crime And Punishment In Western History: FYSEM-UA 671

Crime And Punishment In The Usa: ELEC-GG 2714

Cybercriminology: GSCC 1-GC 1000

Crimes, Detectives, And Justice In Chinese Culture: GCHN-SHU 182

Transnational Crime: GLOB 1-GC 2065

Global Financial Crime: GLOB 1-GC 2293

War Crimes Prosecutions In The Former Yugoslavia: The Pitfalls And Promise Of International Justice: GLOB 1-GC 2315

Organized Cybercrime: GSCC 1-GC 2015

Crime In The Usa: IDSEM-UG 1767

Crime, Violence & Media: MCC-UE 1012, MCC-UE 9012

The Elements Of Criminal Justice Seminar: LAW-LW.12632.001

Trial And Appellate Advocacy Simulation: LAW-LW.10059.001

Trying Atrocity Crimes Seminar: LAW-LW.11220.001

Trying Atrocity Crimes Seminar: Writing Credit: LAW-LW.10112.001

Psychological Dimensions Of Criminal Law Seminar: LAW-LW.11376.001

Political Economy Of Criminal Law Seminar: LAW-LW.10178.001

Political Economy Of Criminal Law Seminar: Writing Credit: LAW-LW.12948.001

Professional Responsibility In Criminal Practice Seminar: LAW-LW.10200.001, LAW-LW.10200.002, LAW-LW.10200.003

Information Privacy Law: LAW-LW.11019.001

Intelligence: Law, Strategy, Ethics Seminar: LAW-LW.10439.001

Intelligence: Law, Strategy, Ethics Seminar - Writing Credit: LAW-LW.12855.001

Criminal Litigation: LAW-LW.11887.001

Criminal Procedure: Fourth And Fifth Amendments: LAW-LW.10395.001

Criminal Procedure: Police Practices (for 1ls): LAW-LW.12697.001

Colloquium On Law And Psychology: LAW-LW.11049.001

Complex Federal Investigations Seminar: LAW-LW.11517.001

Alternatives To The Prison System Colloquium: LAW-LW.12887.001

Alternatives To The Prison System Colloquium: Writing Credit: LAW-LW.12888.001

America's Penal State Seminar: LAW-LW.12251.001

Civil Rights And Racial Justice Clinic: LAW-LW.10627.001

Civil Rights And Racial Justice Clinic Seminar: LAW-LW.10559.001

Civil Rights In The Criminal Legal System Clinic: LAW-LW.12820.001

Criminal And Juvenile Defender Clinic: LAW-LW.11444.001

Criminal And Juvenile Defender Clinic Seminar: LAW-LW.10531.001

Criminal Appellate Defender Clinic: LAW-LW.11820.001

Criminal Appellate Defender Clinic Seminar: LAW-LW.10883.001

Federal Defender Clinic: LAW-LW.10783.001

Federal Defender Clinic Seminar: LAW-LW.10767.001

Racial Justice And Abolition Clinic: LAW-LW.10012.001

Racial Justice And Abolition Clinic Seminar: LAW-LW.11764.001

Advanced Civil Rights And Racial Justice Clinic: LAW-LW.12805.001

Advanced Civil Rights And Racial Justice Clinic Seminar: LAW-LW.12806.001

Artificial Intelligence And The Criminal Legal System: LAW-LW.12940.001

Civil Rights And Racial Justice Clinic: LAW-LW.10627.001

Civil Rights And Racial Justice Clinic Seminar: LAW-LW.10559.001

Criminal And Juvenile Defender Clinic: LAW-LW.11444.001

Criminal And Juvenile Defender Clinic Seminar: LAW-LW.10531.001

Federal Defender Clinic: LAW-LW.10783.001

Federal Defender Clinic Seminar: LAW-LW.10767.001

Racial Justice And Abolition Clinic: LAW-LW.10012.001

Racial Justice And Abolition Clinic Seminar: LAW-LW.11764.001

Local Prosecution Externship: LAW-LW.12452.001

Local Prosecution Externship Seminar: LAW-LW.12453.001

Prosecution Externship - Southern District: LAW-LW.11207.001

Prosecution Externship - Southern District Seminar: LAW-LW.10835.001

Prosecution Externship - Eastern District: LAW-LW.10103.001

Prosecution Externship - Eastern District Seminar: LAW-LW.10355.001



Introduction To Macroeconomics: ECON-UA 1

Interm Macroeconomics: ECON-UA 12

Macroeconomic Analysis: ECON-UA 13

Introduction To Macroeconomics: ECON-UA 9001

Interm Macroeconomics: ECON-UA 9012


Introduction To Microeconomics: ECON-UA 2

Interm Microeconomics: ECON-UA 10

Microeconomic Analysis: ECON-UA 11

Introduction To Microeconomics: ECON-UA 9002

Interm Microeconomics: ECON-UA 9010


Statistics (p): ECON-UA 18

Analytical Statistics: ECON-UA 20

Intro To Econometrics: ECON-UA 266

Advanced Econometrics (p,t): ECON-UA 402


Ethics And Economics: ECON-UA 207

Policy Issues In History Of Economic Thought: ECON-UA 208

Urban Economics: ECON-UA 227

Money And Banking: ECON-UA 231

Poverty & Income Distribution: ECON-UA 233

International Economics (p): ECON-UA 238

Game Theory And Strategy (p): ECON-UA 309

Game Theory (t): ECON-UA 310

Industrial Organization: ECON-UA 316

Mkt Struct & Performance (t): ECON-UA 317

Risk & Fluctuations In Financial Markets: ECON-UA 320

Economic Development: ECON-UA 323

Monetary & Banking Theory: ECON-UA 331

International Economics: Finance: ECON-UA 336

Ownership & Corporate Control: ECON-UA 340

Political Economy (t): ECON-UA 345

Labor Economics: ECON-UA 351

Public Economics: ECON-UA 353

Health Economics: ECON-UA 354

Experimental Economics: ECON-UA 360

Advanced Micro Theory (t): ECON-UA 365

Markets With Frictions: ECON-UA 366

Advanced Macroeconomics (t): ECON-UA 367

Financial Economics (p): ECON-UA 368

Topics: Economic Research: ECON-UA 370

Money & Banking: ECON-UA 9231

International Economics: ECON-UA 9238

College Anthropology

Culture, Power, And Society: ANTH-UA 1

Human Evolution: ANTH-UA 2

Archaeology: Early Societies And Cultures: ANTH-UA 3

Language, Culture, And Society: ANTH-UA 17

History Of Anthropology: ANTH-UA 45

Special Seminar In Anthropology I, Ii: ANTH-UA 800, 801

Honors Research I, Ii: ANTH-UA 950, 951

Independent Study: ANTH-UA 997, 998

Human Behavioural Ecology: ANTH-UA 90

Archaeology Of Anglo-saxon England: ANTH-UA 200

Animal Domestication: Horses, Donkeys, Dogs, And Cats: ANTH-UA 201

Archaeobotany: ANTH-UA 202

Introduction To Bioarchaeology: ANTH-UA 327

Fossil Evidence For Human Evolution: ANTH-UA 50

Human Variation: ANTH-UA 51

Evolution And Biology Of Human Behavior: ANTH-UA 52

Human Genetics: ANTH-UA 53

Primate Behavioral Ecology: ANTH-UA 54

Evolutionary Medicine: ANTH-UA 55

Comparative Biology Of The Living Primates: ANTH-UA 56

Primate Communication: ANTH-UA 59

Emerging Diseases: ANTH-UA 80

Evolution Of Language: ANTH-UA 240

Introduction To Forensic Anthropology: ANTH-UA 326

Topical Seminar In Biological Anthropology I, Ii: ANTH-UA 511, 512

Language, Power, And Identity: ANTH-UA 16

Religious Bodies: ANTH-UA 29

Anthropology Of Religion: ANTH-UA 30

Witchcraft: An Anthropological Approach: ANTH-UA 31

Conversations In Everyday Life: ANTH-UA 32

Salvation And Revolution: ANTH-UA 34

Medical Anthropology: ANTH-UA 35

Global Biocultures: Anthropological Perspectives On Health: ANTH-UA 36

Anthropology Of Indigenous Australia: ANTH-UA 37

Indigenous Australian Art: An Analytical Survey: ANTH-UA 38

Family And Kinship: ANTH-UA 41

Memory, Heritage, History, And Narrative: ANTH-UA 43

Ethnography And Ethnohistory Of The Andes: ANTH-UA 47

Cultural Symbols: ANTH-UA 48

Anthropology In And Of Museums: ANTH-UA 100

Peoples Of Sub-saharan Africa: ANTH-UA 101

Contemporary Issues In The Caribbean: ANTH-UA 102

Anthropology Of Latin America: ANTH-UA 103

Anthropology Of South Asia: ANTH-UA 104

Anthropology Of Europe: ANTH-UA 111

Anthropology Of Gender And Sexuality: ANTH-UA 112

Culture, Power And Visual Representation: ANTH-UA 122

Media, Culture, And Society: ANTH-UA 123

Anthropology Of Art: ANTH-UA 125

Religion And Media: ANTH-UA 220

Nationalism: ANTH-UA 315

Topical Seminar In Social And Cultural Anthropology I, Ii: ANTH-UA 320, 321

Race, "difference," And Social Inequality: ANTH-UA 323

Reimagining Community: Race, Nation, And The Politics Of Belonging: ANTH-UA 325

Language And Law: ANTH-UA 329

Human Rights And Culture: ANTH-UA 331

Violence, Gender, And The Law: ANTH-UA 332

The Color Of Race In The Americas: Post-racial Mythologies: ANTH-UA 333

Shamanism: ANTH-UA 344

Body, Gender, And Belief In China: ANTH-UA 350

Belief And Social Life In China: ANTH-UA 351

After Religion? Rethinking Our Secular Age: ANTH-UA 352

Anthropology And Transnationalism: ANTH-UA 400

The Social Life Of Food: Producing, Selling, Cooking, Sharing, Eating: ANTH-UA 410

Ethnographic Approaches To Urban Environmental Change: Theory And Method: ANTH-UA 490

College Political Science

Introduction To Comparative Politics: POLSC-UH 1111

Introduction To International Politics: POLSC-UH 1112

Power In The 21st Century: POLSC-UH 1113J

War On Terrorism: POLSC-UH 1114

Data Analysis: POLSC-UH 2211

Political Psychology: POLSC-UH 2310

Political Economy Of Institutions: POLSC-UH 2311

Political Economy Of Development: POLSC-UH 2312

Identity And Culture In Politics: POLSC-UH 2317

Diversity And Society: POLSC-UH 2320J

Suffering And Politics: POLSC-UH 2323J

Politics Of Belonging: Membership, Communities, Nations, And Boundaries: POLSC-UH 2324J

Revolution: POLSC-UH 2325J

Political Parties: POLSC-UH 2327

Comparative Politics Of The Middle East: POLSC-UH 2410X

Politics, Social Change & Development In South Asia: POLSC-UH 2411

Power And Politics In America: POLSC-UH 2412

African Politics: POLSC-UH 2414

From Abraham The Patriarch To The Abraham Accord: POLSC-UH 2420J

Political Economy Of The Middle East: POLSC-UH 2421X

North African Politics: POLSC-UH 2422X

Media And Politics: POLSC-UH 2423

New Nationalisms: POLSC-UH 2425J

Comparative Politics Of Industrialized Democracies: POLSC-UH 2426

Practicing Politics In The Age Of Disruption: POLSC-UH 2427J

Democracy In Britain: POLSC-UH 2428J

International Organizations: POLSC-UH 2511

Modeling Politics And International Relations: POLSC-UH 2517Q

Nuclear Politics: POLSC-UH 2519

Power Relations Theory: POLSC-UH 2525J

International Diplomacy In Theory And Practice: POLSC-UH 2528

Moving Towards Net Zero While Delivering The Sustainable Development Goals: POLSC-UH 2529J

Business, Politics, And Society: POLSC-UH 2910

Environmental Politics: POLSC-UH 2911

Politics Of Natural Resources: POLSC-UH 2912

Anglo/american Politics, Policy And Public Opinion: POLSC-UH 2914J

Qualitative Methods In Middle East Politics: POLSC-UH 3212

Social Media And Political Participation: POLSC-UH 3312JQ

Making And Breaking Elections: POLSC-UH 3313

Making Sense Of Us Politics Today: POLSC-UH 3412

Foreign Policy Analysis: POLSC-UH 3413

Money In Global Politics: Politics Of Global Trade, Finance, And Development: POLSC-UH 3510

Civil Wars And International Intervention: POLSC-UH 3512

Surviving The 21st Century: Power And Statecraft In The Digital Age: POLSC-UH 3516J

Capstone Seminar: POLSC-UH 4000

Capstone Project: POLSC-UH 4001

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